1 | ==========================
2 | The "local flavor" add-ons
3 | ==========================
4 |
5 | A collection of various Django snippets that are useful only for a particular
6 | country or culture. For example, ``django.contrib.localflavor.usa.forms``
7 | contains a ``USZipCodeField`` that you can use to validate U.S. zip codes.
8 |
9 | These are mainly for newforms framework, to use these, just import the field
10 | you want, and use it in a form:
11 |
12 | from django import newforms as forms
13 | from django.contrib.localflavor import fr
14 |
15 | class MyForm(forms.Form):
16 | my_french_phone_no = fr.forms.FRPhoneNumberField()
17 |
18 |
19 | America (django.contrib.localflavor.usa)
20 | ========================================
21 |
22 | USPhoneNumberField
23 | ------------------
24 |
25 | A US Phone number field (XXX-XXX-XXXX format).
26 |
27 | USStateField
28 | ------------
29 |
30 | A form field that validates its input is a U.S. state name or abbreviation. It
31 | normalizes the input to the standard two-leter postal service abbreviation for
32 | the given state.
33 |
34 | USStateSelect
35 | -------------
36 |
37 | A form Select widget that uses a list of U.S. states/territories as its choices.
38 |
39 | USZipCodeField
40 | --------------
41 |
42 | A field for US Zip codes, in the format XXXXX or XXXXX-XXXX.
43 |
44 |
45 | Britain (django.contrib.localflavor.uk)
46 | =======================================
47 |
48 | UKPostcodeField
49 | ---------------
50 |
51 | A form field that validates its input is a UK postcode. The regular expression used
52 | is sourced from the schema for British Standard BS7666 address types at http://www.govtalk.gov.uk/gdsc/schemas/bs7666-v2-0.xsd
53 |
54 |
55 | France (django.contrib.localflavor.fr)
56 | ======================================
57 |
58 | FRPhoneNumberField
59 | ------------------
60 |
61 | Validates local French phone numbers. The correct format is '0X XX XX XX XX'.
62 | '0X.XX.XX.XX.XX' and '0XXXXXXXXX' validate but are corrected to '0X XX XX XX XX'.
63 |
64 | FRDepartmentSelect
65 | ------------------
66 |
67 | A Select widget with a full list of FR departments.
68 |
69 | FRZipCodeField
70 | --------------
71 |
72 | A field for French zip codes in the format XXXXX.
73 |
74 |
75 | Japan (django.contrib.localflavor.jp)
76 | =====================================
77 |
78 | JPPostalCodeField
79 | -----------------
80 |
81 | A form field that validates its input is a Japanese postcode. Accepts 7 digits, with or without a hyphen.
82 |
83 | JPPrefectureSelect
84 | ------------------
85 |
86 | A Select widget that uses a list of Japanese prefectures as its choices.
87 |
88 |
89 | Adding A Flavor
90 | ===============
91 |
92 | We'd love to add more of these to Django, so please create a ticket for anything
93 | that you've found useful. Please use unicode objects (u'mystring') for strings,
94 | rather than setting the encoding in the file (see any of the existing flavors for
95 | examples).
96 |
97 |