Ticket #3536: bdist_wininst.patch

File bdist_wininst.patch, 653 bytes (added by tsal <tsal@…>, 18 years ago)

patch to remove the bdist_wininst hack

  • setup.py

    2626    else:
    2727        data_files.append([dirpath, [os.path.join(dirpath, f) for f in filenames]])
    29 # Small hack for working with bdist_wininst.
    30 # See http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2004-August/004134.html
    31 if len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'bdist_wininst':
    32     for file_info in data_files:
    33         file_info[0] = '/PURELIB/%s' % file_info[0]
    3529# Dynamically calculate the version based on django.VERSION.
    3630version = "%d.%d-%s" % (__import__('django').VERSION)
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