1 | 'use strict';
2 |
3 | import {obj_remove_id, sortByKey, urlEncode} from "./library";
4 | import Cookie from 'js-cookie';
5 |
6 |
7 | class RestAPI {
8 | static get BASE_URL() {
9 | return '/api/';
10 | }
11 |
12 | static get SAFE_METHODS() {
13 | return ['GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE'];
14 | }
15 |
16 | static get EXPECTED_CODE() {
17 | return {
18 | DELETE: 204,
19 | POST: 201,
20 | };
21 | }
22 |
23 | static get JSON_TYPES() {
24 | return ['application/json'];
25 | }
26 |
27 | static request(method, resource, data = null, headers = null) {
28 | method = method.toUpperCase();
29 |
30 | let url = `${this.BASE_URL}${resource}/`;
31 |
32 | if (data !== null && this.SAFE_METHODS.includes(method)) {
33 | // need to add parameters to URL
34 | url += '?' + urlEncode(data);
35 | }
36 |
37 | return fetch(url, {
38 | method: method,
39 | credentials: 'same-origin',
40 | headers: {...this.get_headers(method), ...headers},
41 | body: this.get_body(method, data)
42 | }).then(response => {
43 | if (!response.ok) {
44 | return Promise.reject([`Failed to ${method} ${resource}`, response]);
45 | }
46 |
47 | let expected_code = this.EXPECTED_CODE[method];
48 | if (expected_code && response.status !== expected_code) {
49 | return Promise.reject([`Invalid response code: ${response.status} != ${expected_code}`, response]);
50 | }
51 |
52 | let content_type = response.headers.get('Content-Type');
53 |
54 | if (content_type && this.JSON_TYPES.includes(content_type)) {
55 | // return JSON only when we know that response is JSON (e.g. not empty response)
56 | return response.json();
57 | }
58 |
59 | return response.text().then(text => text || null);
60 | });
61 | }
62 |
63 | static get(resource, data, headers) {
64 | return this.request('GET', resource, data, headers);
65 | }
66 |
67 | static post(resource, data, headers) {
68 | return this.request('POST', resource, data, headers);
69 | }
70 |
71 | static patch(resource, data, headers) {
72 | return this.request('PATCH', resource, data, headers);
73 | }
74 |
75 | static options(resource, data, headers) {
76 | return this.request('OPTIONS', resource, data, headers);
77 | }
78 |
79 | static delete(resource, data, headers) {
80 | return this.request('DELETE', resource, data, headers);
81 | }
82 |
83 | static get_headers(method) {
84 | if (this.SAFE_METHODS.includes(method)) {
85 | return {};
86 | }
87 | return {
88 | 'X-CSRFToken': Cookie.get('csrftoken'),
89 | 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset="utf-8"',
90 | };
91 | }
92 |
93 | static get_body(method, data) {
94 | if (data === null || this.SAFE_METHODS.includes(method)) {
95 | return null;
96 | }
97 | return JSON.stringify(data);
98 | }
99 | }
100 |
101 |
102 | export class API {
103 | static get DOMAIN() {
104 | throw Error('You must define DOMAIN');
105 | }
106 |
107 | static get ORDER_BY() {
108 | return 'name';
109 | }
110 |
111 | static create(obj) {
112 | return RestAPI.post(this.DOMAIN, obj_remove_id(obj));
113 | }
114 |
115 | static all() {
116 | return RestAPI.get(this.DOMAIN).then(objects => objects.sort(sortByKey(this.ORDER_BY)));
117 | }
118 |
119 | static get(obj) {
120 | return RestAPI.get(`${this.DOMAIN}/${obj.id}`);
121 | }
122 |
123 | static update(obj) {
124 | return RestAPI.patch(`${this.DOMAIN}/${obj.id}`, obj);
125 | }
126 |
127 | static delete(obj) {
128 | return RestAPI.delete(`${this.DOMAIN}/${obj.id}`);
129 | }
130 |
131 | static options(headers) {
132 | return RestAPI.options(this.DOMAIN, null, headers);
133 | }
134 |
135 | static extract_schema(metadata) {
136 | return metadata.actions.POST;
137 | }
138 | }