Ticket #13051: 13051_docs_patch.diff

File 13051_docs_patch.diff, 1.3 KB (added by Gabriel Hurley, 15 years ago)

patches docs instead of changing code behavior

  • TabularUnified docs/topics/http/urls.txt

    728728       that has an instance namespace matching the application namespace (in
    729729       this example, an instance of the ``myapp`` called ``myapp``).
    731     4. If there is no default application instance, Django will pick the first
     731    4. If there is no default application instance, Django will pick the last
    732732       deployed instance of the application, whatever its instance name may be.
    734734    5. If the provided namespace doesn't match an application namespace in
    749749      the instance ``bar``.
    751751    * If there is no current instance - say, if we were rendering a page
    752       somewhere else on the site - ``myapp:index`` will resolve to the first
     752      somewhere else on the site - ``myapp:index`` will resolve to the last
    753753      registered instance of ``myapp``. Since there is no default instance,
    754       the first instance of ``myapp`` that is registered will be used. This could
     754      the last instance of ``myapp`` that is registered will be used. This could
    755755      be ``foo`` or ``bar``, depending on the order they are introduced into the
    756756      urlpatterns of the project.
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