Ticket #10829: django.db.models.query.py.patch

File django.db.models.query.py.patch, 2.0 KB (added by philroche, 16 years ago)

Patch for MySQL unmanaged view (discussed in comment#7)

2< perform_delete = True
4< if cls._meta.managed == False:
5< check_view = "select count(TABLE_NAME) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_NAME = '%s';" % cls._meta.db_table
6< cursor = connection.cursor()
7< cursor.execute(check_view, [])
8< if not cursor.rowcount == 0:
9< perform_delete = False
11< if perform_delete:
12< pk_list = [pk for pk,instance in items]
13< del_query = sql.DeleteQuery(cls, connection)
14< del_query.delete_batch(pk_list)
16< # Last cleanup; set NULLs where there once was a reference to the
17< # object, NULL the primary key of the found objects, and perform
18< # post-notification.
19< for pk_val, instance in items:
20< for field in cls._meta.fields:
21< if field.rel and field.null and field.rel.to in seen_objs:
22< setattr(instance, field.attname, None)
24< signals.post_delete.send(sender=cls, instance=instance)
25< setattr(instance, cls._meta.pk.attname, None)
28> pk_list = [pk for pk,instance in items]
29> del_query = sql.DeleteQuery(cls, connection)
30> del_query.delete_batch(pk_list)
32> # Last cleanup; set NULLs where there once was a reference to the
33> # object, NULL the primary key of the found objects, and perform
34> # post-notification.
35> for pk_val, instance in items:
36> for field in cls._meta.fields:
37> if field.rel and field.null and field.rel.to in seen_objs:
38> setattr(instance, field.attname, None)
40> signals.post_delete.send(sender=cls, instance=instance)
41> setattr(instance, cls._meta.pk.attname, None)
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