Ticket #10057: show_delete.patch

File show_delete.patch, 872 bytes (added by patcoll, 15 years ago)
  • TabularUnified django/contrib/admin/templatetags/admin_modify.py

    2828        'onclick_attrib': (opts.get_ordered_objects() and change
    2929                            and 'onclick="submitOrderForm();"' or ''),
    3030        'show_delete_link': (not is_popup and context['has_delete_permission']
    31                               and (change or context['show_delete'])),
     31                              and change and context.get('show_delete', True)),
    3232        'show_save_as_new': not is_popup and change and save_as,
    3333        'show_save_and_add_another': context['has_add_permission'] and
    3434                            not is_popup and (not save_as or context['add']),
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