Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of django_apache_and_mod_wsgi

Jan 19, 2009, 4:44:20 PM (16 years ago)
Graham Dumpleton



  • TabularUnified django_apache_and_mod_wsgi

    v11 v12  
    77The mod_wsgi package can be downloaded from Ensure that you work through the mod_wsgi [ installation] and [ configuration] instructions before trying to setup Django. For links to Windows binaries and steps on setting up mod_wsgi Windows see its separate [ installation] instructions but still refer to main installation instructions to work out if mod_wsgi was installed correctly.
    9 If wanting to know about source code reloading issues when running Django under Apache and mod_wsgi then ensure you read document about [ reloading] on mod_wsgi site. Do be aware that reloading your application by touching the WSGI script file only works for mod_wsgi daemon mode on UNIX/Apache 2.X systems. That specific reloading feature is not available on Windows, Apache 1.3 or if using embedded mode with Apache 2.X.
     9If wanting to know about source code reloading issues when running Django under Apache and mod_wsgi then ensure you read document about [ reloading] on mod_wsgi site. Do be aware that reloading your application by touching the WSGI script file only works for mod_wsgi daemon mode on UNIX/Apache 2.X systems. That specific reloading feature is not available on Windows, Apache 1.3 or if using embedded mode with Apache 2.X. If mod_wsgi daemon mode is available, you can also set it up to automatically restart on any code change. This is covered in mod_wsgi documentation on reloading, but is made clearer in [ this blog entry]. This will give you same sort of automatic reloading capability as the Django development server.
    1111Note that the mod_wsgi site provides its own documentation for [ integrating Django with mod_wsgi]. Those instructions go into areas this document does not and in some respect should be seen as being a more definitive source of information. It is also a good idea to read through other documentation on the mod_wsgi site as well, especially in respect to installation, configuration or application issues. Reading the other documentation on the mod_wsgi site will save you a lot of time if you do have any issues as it is quite comprehensive.
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