Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of django_apache_and_mod_wsgi

Nov 8, 2008, 4:41:34 PM (16 years ago)
Graham Dumpleton



  • TabularUnified django_apache_and_mod_wsgi

    v9 v10  
    55== Installation ==
    7 The mod_wsgi package can be downloaded from Ensure that you work through the mod_wsgi [ installation] and [ configuration] instructions before trying to setup Django. For links to Windows binaries and steps on setting up mod_wsgi Windows see its separate [ installation] instructions but still refer to main installation instructions to work out if mod_wsgi was installed correctly.
     7The mod_wsgi package can be downloaded from Ensure that you work through the mod_wsgi [ installation] and [ configuration] instructions before trying to setup Django. For links to Windows binaries and steps on setting up mod_wsgi Windows see its separate [ installation] instructions but still refer to main installation instructions to work out if mod_wsgi was installed correctly. If wanting to know about source code reloading issues when running Django under Apache and mod_wsgi then ensure you read document about [ reloading] on mod_wsgi site.
    99Note that the mod_wsgi site provides its own documentation for [ integrating Django with mod_wsgi]. Those instructions go into areas this document does not and in some respect should be seen as being a more definitive source of information. It is also a good idea to read through other documentation on the mod_wsgi site as well, especially in respect to installation, configuration or application issues. Reading the other documentation on the mod_wsgi site will save you a lot of time if you do have any issues as it is quite comprehensive.
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