Changes between Version 233 and Version 234 of WikiStart

Nov 23, 2006, 10:36:47 PM (18 years ago)
Adrian Holovaty

More edits


  • TabularUnified WikiStart

    v233 v234  
    3434== Descriptions of major changes to the codebase ==
    36  * [wiki:BackwardsIncompatibleChanges Backwards Incompatible Changes]: Comprehensive list of backwards-incompatible changes made since first public release.
     36 * [wiki:BackwardsIncompatibleChanges Backwards-incompatible changes]: Comprehensive list of backwards-incompatible changes made since first public release.
    3737 * [wiki:RemovingTheMagic Removing the magic]: The magic-removal branch was merged to trunk in May 2006 ([2809]).
    3838 * [wiki:NewAdminChanges New-admin changes]: The new-admin branch was merged to trunk in November 2005 ([1433]).
    4242 * [ Django-based projects at Google Code Hosting].
    4343 * [/browser/]: See the full code and templates for the Django-powered portions of this site (e.g., everything except the ticket system). The Python code is available under the BSD license, but the templates are copyrighted by World Online and shouldn't be copied.
    44  * [ Diamanda Wiki and MyghtyBoard Forum]: Source code for wiki and forum. GPL.
    45  * [ Custard/Melt]: Source code for a work-in-progress community Web app developed by Greenpeace. LGPL.
    46  * [ Django Photo Gallery]: Source code for a "Gallery with a twist" by Georg Bauer.
     44 * [ Diamanda Wiki and MyghtyBoard Forum]: A wiki and forum. GPL.
     45 * [ Custard/Melt]: A work-in-progress community Web app developed by Greenpeace. LGPL.
     46 * [ Django Photo Gallery]: A "gallery with a twist" by Georg Bauer.
    4747 * []: A simple CMS by Georg Bauer. (Powers the site [].)
    4848 * []: An IRC logger by Georg Bauer. (Powers the [ Django IRC logs].)
    49  * [ Zyons]: A forum/community application. 
     49 * [ Zyons]: A forum/community application.
    5050 * [ WorkStyle]: A "Get Things Done" to-do list management application. A [ sandbox] is available, too.
    5151 * [ Stockphoto]: A simple photo gallery by Jason !McBrayer.
    5252 * [ Feedjack]: A planet/feed aggregator by Gustavo Picón. Sample sites: [], [], [].
    5353 * [ Pastebin]: A pastebin application driven completely by generic views, no custom view code.
    54  * [ FFSomething]: Suite for managing open wireless mesh networks
    55  * [ BookMaker]: An open-source Web application for managing small parimutuel betting pools ( [ Browse BookMaker Source]).
    56  * [ RISE Project (Resources and Information for Success in Education)] - a project to manage and publish academic catalog information including programs, courses, and schedules. (BSD-licensed.)
    57  * [ Ip to country application] - this application will allow you to get the country flag of comments.
    58  * [ notmm] - a multi-purpose application toolkit on top of Django. (Apache License Version 2.0 and BSD-style license compatible)
    59  * [ FileBrowser] - an extension to the Django Admin-Interface
     54 * [ FFSomething]: A suite for managing open wireless mesh networks
     55 * [ BookMaker]: An open-source Web application for managing small parimutuel betting pools ([ Browse source]).
     56 * [ RISE Project (Resources and Information for Success in Education)]: A project to manage and publish academic catalog information, including programs, courses, and schedules. BSD.
     57 * [ IP-to-country application]: Allows you to get the country flag of comments.
     58 * [ notmm]: A multi-purpose application toolkit on top of Django. (Apache License Version 2.0 and BSD-style license compatible.)
     59 * [ FileBrowser] - An extension to the Django admin interface.
    6161== Contributed documentation and examples ==
    6363=== General ===
    6465 * [ Compilation of Tutorials]: Intended to be a complete and concise list of Django tutorials
    6566 * CookBook: Code recipes.
    7980 * [ Django & Open Office]: An example of how to use Django and Open Office to do advance document templating.
    8282=== Installing and cnfiguring Django ===
    8384 * [wiki:ServerArrangements Server arrangements]: How to use Django with FCGI, Twisted, etc.
    8485 * [wiki:SetupOnTiger Setup on Mac OS X Tiger]: Includes installing python 2.4 (which isn't required), the latest version of postgresql, and psycopg.
    8990=== Development environment ===
    9092 * [wiki:SimpleBashScriptToSetupDevelopmentEnvironment Simple Bash Script To Setup Development Environment]: An example of how to set up your development environment.
    9193 * [wiki:DjangoSettingsBashFunction 'django-settings' Bash function]: Save the typing of DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE.
    9698 * [wiki:GreasemonkeyScriptForSmallTitles Greasemonkey script for]: Shortens titles to faciliate better tab browsing of Django's documentation
    99100=== Templates ===
    106107 * [ Cheetah template for django]: Generic views + cheetah's admin functions. Contact  (BROKEN LINK)
    109109=== Code examples ===
    110111 * [wiki:ajax_shop_basket Ajax/DHTML shopping basket in Django example]
    111112 * [wiki:contentBBCode_parser ContentBBcode Parser] - How-to make pluggable special-tag parser
    124125 * [wiki:SafeSettingsContextProcessor Safe Settings context processor]: Provide template access to your settings variables.
    127127=== Web services/APIs ===
    128129 * [wiki:searchengine A Google search engine front end in Django tutorial]
    129130 * [wiki:XML-RPC] Example of doing XML-RPC in Django
    135136=== Tutorials on the Web ===
    136138 * [ Django Blog: Notifying about new comments by email]
    137139 * [ Extending Django's database API to include full-text search]
    176178== Resources in other languages ==
    177180 * [wiki:ChineseDjangoTutorial Chinese Django Tutorial]: A Chinese Django tutorial step by step. [Chinese]
    178181 * [ Jarosław Zabiełło Blog]: Various Django tips and tutorials [Polish]
    180183 * [ French translation of Django documentation]
    182 == Under discussion ==
     185== Under discussion ==
    183187 * [wiki:ModelInheritance Model Inheritance]: Subclassing and model inheritance.
    184188 * [wiki:VersionOneFeatures Version One features]
    190194 * [wiki:AutoEscaping]: Auto escaping of variables by templates
    192 == Community ==
     196== Community ==
    193198 * [wiki:DevelopersForHire Developers for hire]: Community members available to do Django work.
    194199 * [wiki:DjangoFriendlyWebHosts Django-friendly Web hosts]
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