Changes between Version 160 and Version 161 of WikiStart

Jun 22, 2006, 11:19:36 PM (19 years ago)
Tyson Tate <tyson@…>

Organized the user-submitted docs section


  • WikiStart

    v160 v161  
    6161== User-contributed documentation ==
     63=== Set-Up ===
    6365 * [wiki:ServerArrangements Server arrangements]: How to use Django with FCGI, Twisted, etc.
    64  * CookBook: Code recipes.
    65  * CommonPitfalls: Common developer errors, gotchas, etc.
    66  * DocumentationSuggestions: A place to put docs that you wish ''you'' could have found while learning
    67  * [wiki:DosAndDontsForApplicationWriters Do's and Dont's for application writers]: how to make an application that is easy to distribute
     66 * [wiki:SetupOnTiger Setup on Mac OS X Tiger]: Includes installing python 2.4 (which isn't required), the latest version of postgresql, and psycopg.
     67 * [wiki:WindowsInstall] - install django on Windows in 5 minutes (using sqlite and the internal webserver)
     69=== Development Environment ===
     71 * [wiki:SimpleBashScriptToSetupDevelopmentEnvironment Simple Bash Script To Setup Development Environment]: An example of how to set up your development environment.
     72 * [wiki:DjangoSettingsBashFunction 'django-settings' Bash function]: Save the typing of DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE.
     73 * [wiki:UsingVimWithDjango Django development with Vim]: Hints and tips for using the Vim editor.
     74 * [wiki:PythonScriptForParsingSettings A python script for parsing]: A small python script can be used to read, modify, save file.
     75 * [wiki:PythonScriptForParsingUrlConf A python script for parsing]: A small python script can be used to read, modify, save file.
     77=== General ===
     79 * CookBook: Code recipes.
     80 * CommonPitfalls: Common developer errors, gotchas, etc.
     81 * DocumentationSuggestions: A place to put docs that you wish ''you'' could have found while learning
     82 * [wiki:DosAndDontsForApplicationWriters Do's and Dont's for application writers]: how to make an application that is easy to distribute
     83 * [ Django API (Beta)]: Automatic generated API using epydoc
     84 * [wiki:AjaxDjangoDojoForm Ajax and Django, using Dojo] How to submit a form using Ajax with Dojo.
     85 * FormField documentation for Manipulators
     86 * ExtendedUserModel: How to extend the auth systems's User class to contain extra data. (Warning: kludge!)
     87 * [wiki:CustomFormFields Making Custom form fields]: Adventures in making new form fields
     89=== Templates ===
     91 * ExtendingAdminTemplates
     92 * [wiki:TemplateTagsCheatSheet] - A quick list of all the template tags.
     94=== Internationalization ===
     96 * [wiki:ChineseDjangoTutorial Chinese Django Tutorial]: A Chinese Django tutorial step by step.
     98=== Performance ===
     100 * [wiki:ProfilingDjango Profiling Django]: How to use the Python hotshot profiler with Django
     102=== Presentations ===
     104 * [wiki:SnakesAndRubiesTranscript Snakes and Rubies Transcript]: Currently a partial transcript of the Snakes and Rubies meeting videos.
    68105 * DjangoScreencasts: Official and unofficial screencasts showing Django development in action.
    69106 * [ Python Web development with Django]: A presentation in pseudo-!PowerPoint format that provides a good overview.
    70  * [wiki:SimpleBashScriptToSetupDevelopmentEnvironment Simple Bash Script To Setup Development Environment]: An example of how to set up your development environment.
    71  * [wiki:DjangoSettingsBashFunction 'django-settings' Bash function]: Save the typing of DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE.
    72  * ExtendedUserModel: How to extend the auth systems's User class to contain extra data. (Warning: kludge!)
    73  * [wiki:UsingVimWithDjango Django development with Vim]: Hints and tips for using the Vim editor.
    74  * [wiki:SnakesAndRubiesTranscript Snakes and Rubies Transcript]: Currently a partial transcript of the Snakes and Rubies meeting videos.
    75  * [wiki:WebServices WebServices]: An example showing how to access a web service ( using Python.
    76  * [wiki:PythonScriptForParsingSettings A python script for parsing]: A small python script can be used to read, modify, save file.
    77  * [wiki:PythonScriptForParsingUrlConf A python script for parsing]: A small python script can be used to read, modify, save file.
    78  * [wiki:ChineseDjangoTutorial Chinese Django Tutorial]: A Chinese Django tutorial step by step.
    79  * [wiki:SetupOnTiger Setup on Mac OS X Tiger]: Includes installing python 2.4 (which isn't required), the latest version of postgresql, and psycopg.
    80  * [wiki:CustomFormFields Making Custom form fields]: Adventures in making new form fields
    81  * [ Django API (Beta)]: Automatic generated API using epydoc
    82  * [wiki:ProfilingDjango Profiling Django]: How to use the Python hotshot profiler with Django
    83  * ExtendingAdminTemplates
    84  * FormField documentation for Manipulators
     108=== Web Services/APIs ===
    85110 * [wiki:XML-RPC] Example of doing XML-RPC in Django
    86  * [wiki:AjaxDjangoDojoForm Ajax and Django, using Dojo] How to submit a form using Ajax with Dojo.
    87  * [wiki:UsingFreeComment FreeComment app] Using Django's integrated Free Comment app.
    88  * [wiki:WindowsInstall] - install django on Windows in 5 minutes (using sqlite and the internal webserver)
    89  * [wiki:Signals] - Using Django's nifty signals ability.
    90  * [wiki:TemplateTagsCheatSheet] - A quick list of all the template tags.
     111 * [wiki:WebServices WebServices]: An example showing how to access a web service ( using Python.
    91112 * [wiki:FlickrIntegration] - One way of integrating flickr with Django
    108129 * [ Official Django badges]
    109130 * [ Official Django logos]
    110  * [wiki:DjangoUsers DjangoUsers]: User community about django 
     131 * [wiki:DjangoUsers DjangoUsers]: User community about django
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