Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of UnicodeInDjango

Jan 13, 2006, 3:01:44 PM (19 years ago)

fixed typo in setting name


  • TabularUnified UnicodeInDjango

    v5 v6  
    55Just a pin-down of things that spring to mind, all of them need more complete checking:
    7  * database backends need to handle unicode vs. DATABASE_ENCODING translations
     7 * database backends need to handle unicode vs. DATABASE_CHARSET translations
    88 * special casing: the psycopg backend will need type handlers for string types (just as it already has type handlers for date/time types)
    9  * the HTTPResponse sending machinery needs to do the unicode to DEFAULT_ENCODING translation
    10  * the HTTPRequest creation process needs to turn outside strings into unicode strings, using the provided charset (if given) or defaulting to DEFAULT_ENCODING (as that is what was sent to the browser when the form was transmitted)
     9 * the HTTPResponse sending machinery needs to do the unicode to DEFAULT_CHARSET translation
     10 * the HTTPRequest creation process needs to turn outside strings into unicode strings, using the provided charset (if given) or defaulting to DEFAULT_CHARSET (as that is what was sent to the browser when the form was transmitted)
    1111 * special casing: what happens with GET parameters? those don't provide charsets, what should we do if DEFAULT_ENCODING is utf-8, but the GET parameters aren't valid utf-8? The clean way would be to throw an exception (like with all other places, too)
    1212 * internal usage of str() needs to be checked and supposedly changed over to unicode() usage
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