Change History for UnicodeBranch

Version Date Author Comment
31 18 years Seemant Kulleen spelling fix
30 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Added link to online version of unicode.txt
29 18 years anonymous put the "cloded statut" to the top…
28 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Updated the status. Branch work is now finished.
27 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Updated status to indicate it's ready for real use.
26 18 years anonymous
25 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick The 5-step porting guide now comes with 20% extra free stuff (yeah, …
24 18 years Ivan Sagalaev <Maniac@…>
23 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Tweaked the porting steps slightly.
22 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Removed "things to consider", since it's in the documentation now.
21 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Finished off final TODO item.
20 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Updated current status.
19 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick I suck at typing :(
18 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Updated status
17 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick All contrib modules (except sitemaps) are now ported.
16 18 years Gary Wilson <gary.wilson@…> couple typo fixes
15 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Fixed another typo.
14 18 years Flavio Curella <flavio.curella@…> fixed a typo
13 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Worked through a few more contrib apps.
12 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Updated current status
11 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Status update.
10 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Added list of fixed tickets and gettext->ugettext change.
9 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Added table of contents
8 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Cheatsheet update.
7 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick The porting section looked too scary. Added a cheatsheet version as well.
6 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Added information about what a unicode-aware app needs to consider.
5 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Updated current status.
4 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick
3 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Update current status
2 18 years Malcolm Tredinnick Filled in basic content
1 18 years Adrian Holovaty Created page
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