Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of TutorialImprovementSprint

Aug 4, 2012, 6:49:25 PM (13 years ago)
Jeremy Dunck



  • TabularUnified TutorialImprovementSprint

    v1 v1  
     3=== Tutorial app selection ===
     5There are many goals in a tutorial - a sales pitch for the framework, a guide to salient points, an explanation of benefits/strengths, a starting point for best practices, and so on.  And it serves at least 3 archetypical users - new to programming, new to webdev, and new to python/Django.
     7There was some discussion of replacing the Polls app with a Blog app, because 1) more people would clearly understand what a blog is and 2) the resulting code might be useful and used at the end of the tutorial.  These motivations are good, but the existing app covers the following parts of django. If we intend to replace the app, we need to make sure it's useful towards the overall goals of the tutorial noted above.   So which features do you think those are?  [ Submit suggestions and/or upvote existing ones].
     9Features currently covered:
     11  * url dispatch
     12  * views/request/response objects
     13  * templates, rendering
     14  * startproject/startapp/project layout
     15  * model/fk/syncdb
     16  * admin
     17  * timezones
     18  * forms
     19  * csrf
     20  * generic views
     22=== Topic area: best practices ===
     24There is a [ what's next] page linked from the 4th page of the tutorial, but it mostly talks about directions to head in the django docs.  It would be nice to list some pointers for [ best practices].
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