Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of SummerOfCode2021

Feb 10, 2021, 8:15:36 AM (4 years ago)
Carlton Gibson

Added django-stubs project idea.


  • TabularUnified SummerOfCode2021

    v3 v4  
    3939  * Work on libraries that supplement or add new features to Django to ease development - South and Django Debug Toolbar are good examples of existing projects that would have fit here.
    41 We're **not** looking for people to work on existing third-party libraries - we aren't able to guarantee commit access to them. We may allow an exception if a maintainer of the library in question agrees to help mentor beforehand.
     41Unless explicitly mentioned below, we're **not** looking for people to work on existing third-party libraries - we aren't able to guarantee commit access to them. We may allow an exception if a maintainer of the library in question agrees to help mentor beforehand.
    4343The broadening in scope is to allow people to work on new ideas to help Django development and developers without tying you down to having to implement it in the core codebase (and thus ruling out some projects that might otherwise be useful).
    100100Recent work has gone into [ running the benchmarks regularly and integrating the Airspeed Velocity (ASV) package]. The task would be to help pick-up that work and bring the benchmarking up to the next level.
     102== Typed Django ==
     104After a successful GSoC project working on the `mypy` plugin in 2020, the [ `django-stubs` project] is open to applications for this year.
     106`django-stubs` provides type annotation stub files that enables Django code to be checked with `mypy`, and other type checkers. Typing is gaining ground in Python, and you can help push forward its use in the Django ecosystem.
     108If you're interesting in this, open a discussion on the django-stubs repo or [ the project chat].
    102110== Django Service Hooks ==
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