Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of SummerOfCode2021

Feb 9, 2021, 8:18:45 AM (4 years ago)
Carlton Gibson



  • TabularUnified SummerOfCode2021

    v1 v2  
    6767Here are some suggestions for projects students may want to propose (please feel free add to this list!). This isn't by any means the be-all and end-all of ideas; please feel free to submit proposals for things not on this list. Remember, we'd much prefer that you posted a draft proposal and your rough timeline / success conditions to the ​[ django-developers list], even if it's already on the list below; it will help you get feedback on choosing the right part of a problem, as well as helping to see if there is any interest before you start drafting a full proposal.
    69 When developing your proposal, try to scope ideas/proposals to the 4-month timeline -- simply proposing to fix a ticket or two will probably result in your proposal being rejected in favor of a more ambitious one. The GSoC does not cover activities other than coding, so certain ideas ("Write a more detailed tutorial" or "Create demonstration screencasts") are not suitable for inclusion here.
     69When developing your proposal, try to scope ideas/proposals to the 10-week timeline -- you need to be ambitious, but not too ambitious. The GSoC does not cover activities other than coding, so certain ideas ("Write a more detailed tutorial" or "Create demonstration screencasts") are not suitable for inclusion here.
    7171On the other side, though, be sure to be concrete in your proposal. We'll want to know what your goals are, and how you plan to accomplish them.
    108108Evented, or event-sourcing, database schemas are growing in popularity - essentially, a way to implement an append-only pattern on top of a relational database, where every single event that has happened is stored, but you can still efficiently retrieve the current state of an item. Given the way the pattern works, this would be possible to implement on top of Django models - likely as a whole new Model subclass - and implement with a matching QuerySet/Model API. It would require someone very skilled in database design, and it's also arguable if it should be in Django itself, or comprise of developing a third-party app alongside adding hooks/fixes to the Django ORM where needed to make it work well.
     110== Or Create Your Own ==
     112We have over 1000 accepted tickets on Django. Browse the issue tracker by component — here's an example filter for `contrib.staticfiles`. What's the bit of the framework that interests you? What contribution do you want to make to it?
     114Use the tickets as guides here. Remember the advice above, that your project needs to be both on Django itself here, and achievable in the timescale of GSoC.
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