Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of SummerOfCode2015

Feb 10, 2015, 8:35:56 AM (10 years ago)
Tim Graham

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  • TabularUnified SummerOfCode2015

    v5 v6  
    22= Google's Summer of Code 2015 =
    4 The application process for [ 2015 Google Summer of Code] is coming soon, and Django plans to apply to be a mentor organization (Read [ Google's page] for more information on how the program works.). If past results are an indication of the future, it's quite likely we'll be accepted as a mentor organization. This page is a placeholder for ideas in the meantime, since we seem to have a lot of eager people wanting to get started!
     4The application process for [ 2015 Google Summer of Code] is coming soon, and Django has applied to be a mentor organization (Read [ Google's page] for more information on how the program works.). If past results are an indication of the future, it's quite likely we'll be accepted as a mentor organization. This page is a placeholder for ideas in the meantime, since we seem to have a lot of eager people wanting to get started!
    6 Django's GSoC program is being run by TBA.
     6Django's GSoC program is being coordinated by Tim Graham.
    88== Mentors ==
    1010If you're interested in mentoring -- supervising a student in work on Django-related activities -- add your name, email, and the sort of projects you're interested in mentoring here:
    12  * Tim Graham ( - Replace Form Media
     12 * Tim Graham ( - Replace Form Media, URL dispatch
    1313* Marc Tamlyn ( - Test framework cleanup
    1414* Russell Keith-Magee ( - Replacing middleware, SQLAlchemy / NoSQL integration
    15 * Curtis Maloney ( - Templates, URL routes
    1716== Students ==
    6160Here are some suggestions for projects students may want to propose (please feel free add to this list!). This isn't by any means the be-all and end-all of ideas; please feel free to submit proposals for things not on this list. Remember, we'd much prefer that you posted a draft proposal and your rough timeline / success conditions to the [ django-developers list], even if it's already on the list below; it will help you get feedback on choosing the right part of a problem, as well as helping to see if there is any interest before you start drafting a full proposal.
    63 When developing your proposal, try to scope ideas/proposals to the 4-month timeline -- simply proposing to fix a ticket or two will probably result in your proposal being rejected in favor of a more ambitious one.  The GSoC '''does not cover activities other than coding''', so certain ideas ("Write a more detailed tutorial" or "Create demonstration screencasts" or "[wiki:AddAPony Add a pony]") are not suitable for inclusion here.
     62When developing your proposal, try to scope ideas/proposals to the 4-month timeline -- simply proposing to fix a ticket or two will probably result in your proposal being rejected in favor of a more ambitious one.  The GSoC '''does not cover activities other than coding''', so certain ideas ("Write a more detailed tutorial" or "Create demonstration screencasts") are not suitable for inclusion here.
    6564On the other side, though, be sure to be concrete in your proposal. We'll want to know what your goals are, and how you plan to accomplish them.
    8685 * What components need to be updated, and why?
    8786 * How to do this update while maintaining backwards compatibility?
    89 See also:
    90  * #8579
    9288=== Test framework cleanup ===
    134130* '''Complexity:''' Hard
    136 Django is currently delivered as a single monolithic download. This is largely for historical reasons; when Django started as a project, Python's packaging infrastructure wasn't especially mature. This situation has has improved over the years, and now Python has a rich set of packaging tools. In an ideal world, it would be possible to download "Just the Django template engine", or "Just the Django ORM", or "Just the Django forms layer"; the combined Django download would really be a meta-package install of all the required parts.
    138 There are two technical problems that need to be solved in order to make this happen.
    140  * Implement the packaging definitions to allow for multiple packages.
    141  * Clean up dependencies between components. Despite the best of intentions, there are some interesting dependencies between modules, some of which may need to be clarified or separated.
    143 The aim of this project would be to clean up one or more of Django's internal "parts" so that it could be delivered as a standalone package. This may not be something that can be immediately delivered - for example, it may be necessary to move or rename components to enable separate packaging. In this case, the project deliverable would be to document the strategy, and provide whatever initial moves in that direction are possible.
    145 A simpler version of this project would be to enable separate packaging and distribution of Django's contrib apps.
     132Currently it isn't possible to use many of Django's libraries outside of a Django project due to dependencies on things like `django.conf.settings`. The goal of this project might be to allow using parts like `django.forms` without the rest of Django. For your proposal you need to research what the current obstacles are for doing so (dependency on settings, for example), and then explain the solution you will implement to allow this.
    147134=== Improving the less popular database backends ===
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