Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of SprintIsraelAugust2008

Aug 6, 2008, 4:31:53 AM (17 years ago)
bennydaon <bennydaon@…>



  • SprintIsraelAugust2008

    v7 v8  
    1 = Django testing sprint in Tel Aviv, Israel on August 17, 2008 =
     1= Django testing sprint on GMT-2 in Tel Aviv, Israel on August 17, 2008 =
    33We'll be holding a Django testing sprint on Tel-Aviv University campus  room 319 in schreiber building
    4 on August 17, 2008 - [ map]. If attendees are interested, we can also carry the sprint over to Monday.
     4on August 17, 2008 - [ map].  If attendees are interested, we can also carry the sprint over to Monday.
    6 This sprint will be focused on testing the 1.0-rc release (see [VersionOneRoadmap#schedule 1.0 roadmap]). More details will be posted here and announced on django-dev as we get closer to the sprint.
     6This sprint will be focused on testing the 1.0-rc release (see [VersionOneRoadmap#schedule 1.0 roadmap]).  More details will be posted here and announced on django-dev as we get closer to the sprint.
    88== What's a sprint? How do I participate? ==
    1010See [wiki:Sprints] for information about how sprints work, how you can participate, etc.
    12 Anybody, anywhere around the world, can participate and contribute. We'll be gathering in person in Tel Aviv, but if you can't make it you can also help out in IRC.
     12Anybody, anywhere around the world, can participate and contribute.   We'll be gathering in person in Tel Aviv, but if you can't make it you can also help out in IRC. Knowing python really helps, here's a [ simple tutorial].
    14 This sprint will test if '''1.0 release candidate''' is ready by examining the behavior of django-verse players. We will focus on two types of users: first timers and experienced users. If you don't know python going through the [ python tutorials] is all you need to learn django.
     14This sprint will examine the behavior of django players to test if '''1.0 release candidate''' is ready.  We will focus on two types of users: first timers and experienced users. First timers can either show up or use the IRC to get instant help from the experts.
    16 All experienced django users can participate by either:
     16Experienced django users can help by:
    18  * refactoring an existing project to 1.0
    19  * start a fresh project on top of 1.0rc
    20  * Set up a day of work with a friend and help him as he learns django 1.0
     18 * refactoring an existing project to 1.0 rc
     19 * start a fresh project on top of 1.0 rc
     20 * Set up a day of work with a friend and help him as he learns django 1.0 rc
    2222== Attendees ==
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