Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Sprint201106Argentina

Jun 8, 2011, 1:10:17 PM (14 years ago)
Ramiro Morales

Added page


  • TabularUnified Sprint201106Argentina

    v1 v1  
     1= Django sprint, Jun 11 2011 =
     3Django users from Córdoba, Argentina will be holding a one-day Django sprints at two locations on Saturday Jun 11:
     5Sprints are a great place to start [ contributing] to the Django project, no previous experience is necessary. Just show up.
     7== What's a sprint? How do I participate? ==
     9See [wiki:Sprints] for information about how sprints work, how you can participate, etc. In particular:
     10 * Make sure you have an account in the django trac (this one)
     11 * We will be in #pyar on IRC (freenode servers), and possibly somewhere else (but the meeting point is #pyar). Make sure you have an IRC client and an account configured.
     13Anybody, anywhere around the world, can participate and contribute. If you can't make it you can also help out in IRC.
     15=== Schedule ===
     17We plan to start at some point between 9am and 10am (we have clearance to use the room from 9am to 7pm UTC-3)
     19=== Getting there ===
     21We will be using the Smith room (''"en el ultimo piso del ala vieja del edificio"'') at the [ Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba]. If you plan to participate '''please add yourself to the list below before Friday because we need to provide the Faculty the list of names'''. [ Here] is a map to help you to get there.
     23== Sponsors ==
     25 * [ Machinalis] is helping with things like arraging thing so we can use the root and with caffeien, mateína and snacks.
     27== Attendees ==
     29If you're planning to participate sign yourself up here:
     31 * Ramiro Morales (cramm)
     32 * Walter Alini (walteralini)
     33 * Put your name here
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