Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Sprint201002LA

Dec 31, 2009, 3:42:09 PM (15 years ago)
Jeff Ammons

Created page


  • TabularUnified Sprint201002LA

    v1 v1  
     1= Django sprint in Los Angeles (Santa Monica), CA, February 6-7 2010 =
     2 will be hosting a Django sprint on the weekend of February 6th and 7th, in beautiful and sunny southern California.
     5We'll get started at 9:30am both mornings and wrap up around 4 or 5. We're located pretty close to the Santa Monica Promenade and the Pier, so expect post-coding activities and beer.
     7According to the Django 1.2 roadmap, the beta release is due out on January 26th, so this sprint will largely be focused on cleaning up bugs so 1.2 can go out as clean as possible. That said, if you want to do feature work, 1.3 will be on its way soon so we won't discourage people who are interested in working on new features for the 1.3 release.
     9Sprints are a great place to start [ contributing] to the Django project, no previous experience is necessary. Just show up.
     11== What's a sprint? How do I participate? ==
     13See [wiki:Sprints] for information about how sprints work, how you can participate, etc. 
     15Anybody, anywhere around the world, can participate and contribute. We'll be gathering in person at the Mahalo office, but if you can't make it you can also help out in IRC.
     17=== Getting there ===
     19The Mahalo building is located at:
     21||902 Colorado Ave.||
     22||Santa, Monica, CA 90401||
     24It's right off the Lincoln exit on the 10 freeway.
     26=== Sleeping arrangements ===
     28Coming soon. I'll try to see what couch/air mattress space are available. Email me at jammons /at/ if you're coming from out of town and want on the waiting list. Or if you live in town and wouldn't mind hosting someone.
     30== Sponsors ==
     32 * [ Mahalo] will be providing working space and lunch (at least one lunch from our amazing chef).
     34== Attendees ==
     36If you're planning to participate sign yourself up here:
     38=== In Los Angeles ===
     39 * Jeff Ammons
     41=== Online ===
     42 * Your Name Here
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