Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Sprint200912Dallas

Dec 12, 2009, 9:28:10 AM (15 years ago)
Jeremy Dunck

Updated sprint w/ work details.


  • TabularUnified Sprint200912Dallas

    v3 v4  
    3737 * [ CoHabitat] has very kindly donated the work space
     40== What to work on ==
     42=== Landed ===
     43 * Comment admin actions (Contrib-10).
     44 * Improved CSRF protection (Core-01).
     45 * The first half(ish) of merging multidb (GSoC-05)
     46 * QuerySet.exists() (ORM-10)
     47 * Email backends (Email-01)
     48 * Message Passing For Anonymous Users (Contrib-02)
     50=== Last-call ===
     51 * Serialization-01: Foreign keys in serializers.
     52 * Templates-05: Template caching.
     54=== Needs work ===
     55 * Core-05: Integrate logging with Django
     56 * GSoC-1: Merge admin-ui branch - jezdez, robhudson interested in collaborating
     57 * Performance!
     59=== Heuristics for finding a something to work on ===
     61 1. Find a feature or bug you think is interesting
     62 1. Try to help someone working on a feature
     63 1. Find accepted bugs that haven't been open long (generally easier to fix)
     64 1. Find bugs that have patches, but need improvement.
     65 1. Abandon all hope, ye brave, and find an old problem.
     67== Basic patch guidelines ==
     68 * Needs to work in Python 2.4+
     69 * unified diff
     70 * Any feature needs documentation
     71 * Any patch needs tests
     72 * Don't forget other DBs/cache backends/etc.
     74=== Main points on 2.4 ===
     75  * built-in set object
     76  * @decorator syntax
     77  * generator expressions
     79== Dev env ==
     80 * set up a virtual environment for dev
     81   * sudo easy_install virtualenv
     82   * mkdir -p ~/django ; cd ~/django; virtualenv ve-s200912; . ve-s200912/bin/activate
     83   * easy_install pip
     84   * pip install ipython # plus any other pypi packages you need.
     85   * pip install readline
     86 * test against python2.4 if possible (Python 2.3 support is being dropped in Django 1.2)
     87 * test against sqlite unless you're doing something specific to another DB backend.
     88   * under 2.4: pip install
     89 * easy test setup:
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