Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Sprint200912Dallas

Dec 4, 2009, 11:26:01 AM (15 years ago)
Jeremy Dunck



  • TabularUnified Sprint200912Dallas

    v1 v1  
     1= Django sprint in the uptown area of of Dallas, TX, Dec 12-13 2009 =
     3We'll be holding a Django development sprint at [ CoHabitat], 2517 Thomas Avenue, Dallas, TX 75201 ([,-96.799893&spn=0.011328,0.021029&z=16&iwloc=A map]) on December 12th and 13th, 2009.
     5We'll be there at 9am both days to open the doors.  It's a tradition to go out for drinks after the sprinting winds down, perhaps around 4 or 5, but this may be earlier or later depending on the general momentum of the sprint.
     7This will be a general sprint focused on getting features ready for the 1.2 release.  It doesn't require any previous experience and, if you don't have prior experience [ contributing to Django], it is the perfect opportunity to start.
     9The sprint is being hosted by Jeremy Dunck.  If you have any questions, contact him at
     11== What's a sprint? How do I participate? ==
     13See [wiki:Sprints] for information about how sprints work, how you can participate, etc. 
     15Anybody, anywhere around the world, can participate and contribute. We'll be gathering in person at CoHabitat, but if you can't make it you can also help out in IRC.
     17You can find all the gory details on the [wiki:Sprints] page.
     19== Attendees ==
     21'''If you plan to participate on-site,''' please [ RSVP via Eventbrite] so we get an idea of how much food to plan for.
     23=== Getting there ===
     25CoHabitat is located in uptown Dallas at [,-96.799893&spn=0.011328,0.021029&z=16&iwloc=A 2517 Thomas St] and is within walking distance of many restaurants, bars, and shops.  From downtown, probably the easiest way to get there is north on Pearl, right on Thomas.   CoHabitat is a [ honking old house] on the left side as you go from Pearl.  If you get to Boll St, you've gone too far.
     27You can park on most streets around the house, just watch for hydrants and corners.
     29=== Sleeping arrangements ===
     31If you're traveling to get here and need accommodations, mail the list and see if perhaps people are willing to split a room?  People have been known to sleep at CoHab. If money is no object, the Ritz-Carlton is a mile or so away.  ;-)
     33== Sponsors ==
     35If you're interested in sponsoring this event, please add your name (or company name) to the list below with a note about what you plan to bring or purchase for the sprint (such as lunch, snacks, beer, or other beverages).
     37 * [http:// CoHabitat] has very kindly donated the work space
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