Version 12 (modified by ubernostrum@…, 18 years ago) ( diff )

Add link to TextDrive Django instructions

Server arrangements

Because Django uses WSGI, it can run on any WSGI-compatible Web server. Here's how to run Django on various server arrangements.


See the official documentation.

Apache and FCGI

Flup (the FCGI wrapper used for this) has a little bug with python 2.3 that will make larger pages stall on access just before end. Make sure you use the newest svn checkout for the flup library, as the bug is fixed in there.

See Django, Apache and FCGI. Needs stuff from the lighttpd+FCGI documentation.

Mac OS X users see Django with FCGI on OS X -- How to get Django up and running with FCGI and the Mac OS X default Apache 1.3

lighttpd (via FCGI)

See Hugo's excellent tutorials:

Also see ticket #152.

Django/lighttpd/FastCGI instructions for use on TextDrive shared hosting accounts are available here.


See ticket #172.


See the description in the trac-wiki for how to combine them. TooFPy is a pure-python webserver with focus on the creation of web services.

Apache and SCGI

SCGI can be used with Apache like this. It builds on stuff from the Apache+FCGI documentation above.

Django behind/inside Zope

Not really a server arrangement per se, I've found a way to query a Django site from Zope or Plone and return the result. This allows you to include a Django site inside a pre-existing Zope/Plone site. Good for custom content that you don't want to use existing Zope technologies to develop. For the code, see this Pastebin or drop an email to jeff (at) bitprophet (dot) org.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.
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