Changes between Version 24 and Version 25 of ServerArrangements

Sep 25, 2006, 10:14:39 AM (18 years ago)
Adrian Holovaty

Added SCGI link and cleaned things up a bit.


  • TabularUnified ServerArrangements

    v24 v25  
    77See the [ official documentation].
    88you can also look at the [wiki:django_apache_and_mod_rewrite] small tutorial.
    910== Apache with FastCGI ==
    1112See the [ official documentation].
    13 Mac OS X users, see [wiki:OsxFcgi Django with FCGI on OS X] -- How to get Django up and running with FastCGI and the Mac OS X default Apache 1.3
    15 Legacy documentation (i.e., unofficial docs written before the official docs were released) is available here: [ Django, Apache and FCGI] and [ lighttpd+FCGI documentation].
     14Mac OS X users, see [wiki:OsxFcgi Django with FCGI on OS X].
    1716== lighttpd with FastCGI ==
    1918See the [ official documentation].
    21 Legacy documentation (i.e., unofficial docs written before the official docs were released) is available here: [ Running Django with FCGI and lighttpd] and [ Django, lighttpd and FCGI, second take].
    2320Django/lighttpd/FastCGI [ instructions for use on TextDrive shared hosting accounts] are also available.
    2522== Multiple versions with FastCGI ==
    27 See [wiki:MultipleVersionsWithFCGI]
     24See [wiki:MultipleVersionsWithFCGI].
    2926== Twisted ==
    3532See [ the description in the trac-wiki] for how to combine them. TooFPy is a pure-python webserver with focus on the creation of web services.
    37 == Apache and SCGI ==
     34== Apache with SCGI ==
    3836[ SCGI] can be used with Apache [ like this]. It builds on stuff from the Apache+FCGI documentation above.
     38== lighttpd with SCGI ==
     40See [ Running Django using SCGI through LightTPD].
    4042== Django behind/inside Zope ==
    41 Not really a server arrangement ''per se'', I've found a way to query a Django site from Zope or Plone and return the result. This allows you to include a Django site inside a pre-existing Zope/Plone site. Good for custom content that you don't want to use existing Zope technologies to develop.
    42 For the code, see [ this partly documented file]. It's in a temporary location for the time being; when I get a blog set up, I plan to complete the explanation and post it. For more info, drop an email to ''jeff (at) bitprophet (dot) org''.
     44It's possible to query a Django site from Zope or Plone and return the result. This allows you to include a Django site inside a pre-existing Zope/Plone site. It's good for custom content that you don't want to use existing Zope technologies to develop.
     45For the code, see [ this partly documented file]. It's in a temporary location for the time being; for more info, e-mail ''jeff (at) bitprophet (dot) org''.
    4447== CGI ==
    4851With traditional CGI, the program which will be run -- in this case, Django plus a Django-powered application -- is loaded from disk into memory each time a request is served, which results in a significant amount of processing overhead and much slower responses. FastCGI and SCGI, in contrast, load the code only once -- when the server starts up -- and keep it in memory as long as the server is running, resulting in much faster responses.
    50 If that hasn't put you off and you still need CGI, take a look at [ ticket 2407]
     53If that hasn't put you off and you still need CGI, take a look at #2407.
    5255== Django built-in development server ==
    54 By default the development server that comes with Django will only accept connections on the localhost interface ( To have it listen on the proper network interface, you can start the server like this:
    56 python runserver
     57See the [ official documentation].
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