Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of RowLevelPermissions

Nov 23, 2006, 10:07:07 PM (18 years ago)
Adrian Holovaty

Finished editing the page


  • TabularUnified RowLevelPermissions

    v37 v38  
    165 Row-level permissions can be edited in the admin interface, on the change form for each object with row-level permissions enabled is a link beside History to edit row level permissions. To edit row level permissions, you must have the change RLP permission and change permission on the object. To add row level permissions, you must have the add RLP permisison and change permission on the object.
    167 By default, all instances of a model are shown to a user when they access the change list for a model. To turn off this behaviour, you must set the ''show_all_rows'' admin option to false. Doing this will increase the number of database queries made to the server, which is why the default option is that all rows are shown. An example:
    169 {{{
    170 #!python
    171 ...
     165Row-level permissions can be edited in the admin interface. On the change form for each object with row-level permissions enabled is a link beside History to edit row-level permissions. To edit row-level permissions, you must have the "change RLP" permission ''and'' change permission on the object. To add row-level permissions, you must have the "add RLP" permisison ''and'' change permission on the object.
     167By default, all instances of a model are shown to a user when they access the change list for a model. To turn off this behavior, set the {{{show_all_rows}}} {{{class Admin}}} option to {{{False}}}. Doing this will increase the number of database queries made to the server, which is why the default option is that all rows are shown. Example:
    172171class Mineral(models.Model):
    173 ...   
     172    # ...
    174173    class Admin:
    175174        show_all_rows = False
    177176    class Meta:
    178177        row_level_permissions = True
    179 ...
    180 }}}
    182 === Accessing Row Level Permissions from a Model ===
    184 The relation name for row level permissions from a model is "row_level_permissions", this will return all row level permissions related to the instance of the object. For example, this will return all row level permissions related to the object quartz:
    185 {{{
    186 #!python
    187 ...
     180=== Accessing row-level permissions from a model ===
     182Use the {{{row_level_permissions}}} attribute on a model object to retrieve all row-level permissions related to the instance of the object. For example, this will return all row-level permissions related to the object {{{quartz}}}:
    188186rlp_list = quartz.row_level_permissions.all()
    189 ...
    190 }}}
    192 === Accessing the Owner and Model of a Row Level Permission ===
    194 To return the owner of a row level permission use the attribute "owner". For example:
    195 {{{
    196 #!python
    197 ...
     189=== Accessing the owner and model of a row-level permission ===
     191To return the owner of a row-level permission, use the {{{owner}}} attribute. For example:
    198195user = row_level_permission.owner
    199 ...
    200 }}}
    202 To return the instance of a row level permission use the attribute "model". For example:
    203 {{{
    204 #!python
    205 ...
     198To return the instance of a row-level permission, use the {{{model}}} attribute. For example:
    206202object = row_level_permission.model
    207 ...
    208 }}}
    210 == Implementation Notes ==
    212 Please see RowLevelPermissionsDeveloper for more information on how row level permissions are implemented.
    214 == Known Bugs ==
    215  * Connecting more then one "owner" to the RLP model causes a M2M conflict, this is a bug with the generic relation code. Work around for now is to rename the related_name for each different owner. - ''This is a bug with generic relations, see ticket #2573''
    216  * Row level permissions can not have row level permissions enabled
    217  * Error message in admin interface is displayed with a checkmark not an error icon
    220 == Download ==
    222 Row Level Permissions are currently hosted in a branch on Django SVN. Please use: ''svn co'' to download the current code.
     205== Implementation notes ==
     207Please see RowLevelPermissionsDeveloper for more information on how row-level permissions are implemented.
     209== Known bugs ==
     211 * Connecting more then one "owner" to the RLP model causes a many-to-many conflict. This is a bug with the generic relation code. The workaround for now is to rename the {{{related_name}}} for each different owner. (See ticket #2573 for the bug with generic relations.)
     212 * Row-level permission objects cannot have row-level permissions enabled.
     213 * The error message in the admin interface is displayed with a checkmark, not an error icon.
    224215== Contact ==
    226 If there are any problems, please contact myself Chris at indirecthit[at]
     217If there are any problems, please contact Chris, the branch maintainer, at indirecthit [at]
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