Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of RowLevelPermissions

Aug 15, 2006, 11:09:45 AM (19 years ago)
Chris Long

Updated status


  • RowLevelPermissions

    v22 v23  
    1313== Current Status ==
    15 At this current point of time, you can create row level permissions and modify them using the API. Checking of row level permissions are currently not implemented.
     15Row level permissions is now working, it should still be considered beta but it can be used. Please see below for more details on how to utilize row levle permissions.
    1717== Todo ==
    1919 * More unit tests
    20  * Tidy up the admin interface and finish the AJAX interface
     20 * Tidy up the admin interface
    2121 * Caching the row level permissions when checking
    82 ''Developer's note: This will most likely change as I'm not too sure "model" accurately describes what it represents. I will update this page when I make the change.''
    8483=== Creating a Row Level Permission ===
    9291   ...
    94 The permission param can either be the codename of the permission or a permission instance. The negative param is optional and will default to false. You must pass an instance of the object and owner to this method.
    95 ''Developer's Note: I will probably add in another option to allow the permission to be an id as well.''
     93The permission parameter can either be the codename of the permission or a permission instance. The negative param is optional and will default to false. You must pass an instance of the object and owner to this method.
    9795The second is create_default_row_permissions:
    10199   ...
    103 This will set up a row level permission with the default permissions set up for an object. The default permissions are: add, change and delete. An example of it's use is:
     101This will set up a row level permission with the default permissions set up for an object. The default permissions are: add, change and delete.
     103An example of it's use is, this creates a change row level permission on the quartz object:
    113113In the next week, GenericAuthorization and row level permissions will be merged. Therefore, I have shown two different methods of checking for permissions, one using the generic authorization and the currently implemented technique.
    115 The current method uses the has_perm method in the User model. Note: The object parameter is optional, this is to allow backwards compatibility.
     115The current method uses the has_perm method in the User model. Note: The object parameter is optional, this is to allow backwards compatibility, so if you do not want to check for row level permissions do not include the object parameter.
    127127This will also check group row level permissions. If the user is in two groups, the first having a positive row level permission and the second having a negative row level permission, it will take the positive row level permission over the negative.
    129 '''Second method using GenericAuthorization will be written after the merger'''
     129'''Second method using GenericAuthorization will be written after the merge. It will follow the documentation written on GenericAuthorization'''
    134134Please see RowLevelPermissionsDeveloper for more information on how row level permissions are implemented.
    137 == Proposal for Integrating into Administration Interface ==
    139 === Inline Editing ===
    141 Using the admin interface a user can edit Row Level Permissions (RLP) within the edit screen of a specific instance of a model. It will only be shown if RLPs are enabled for the model.
    143 The RLPs will be organized in a tabular form and using AJAX the user can add, delete or change RLPs related to the instance of the model. The page will also be set up to be backwards compatible incase the user is not able to use JavaScript.
    145 I am undecided as to whether the RLP form should be shown on the add form or not. The first priority is integrating it into the change form and then determine if it is needed in the add form.
    147 === Editing ===
    149 There will probably be no capability for editing RLPs like a normal object with an add, change, and list view in the administration interface. There are a few reasons:
    150  * The number of RLPs could be quite high as there could possibly be one for every instance of a model. Editing this through the classic admin interface would be cumbersome.
    151  * Adding/Editing RLPs requires selecting the model, the instance of the model, the owner model and the instance of the owner model and the permissions related to the model. The form needed to do this would be quite elaborate and not very useful.
    153136== Download ==
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