Version 2 (modified by Jonathan Buchanan <jonathan.buchanan@…>, 19 years ago) ( diff )

Fixed docstring typo

Paginator Tag

This is a very basic inclusion tag which builds on the variables already set on the context when paginating with the generic object_list view to allow you to create pagination controls which display first/last page links and links for a number of pages adjacent to the current page.

The following additional context variables are created:

  • page_numbers: A list of page numbers (in ascending order) which should be displayed, including the current page number.
  • show_first: A boolean representing whether a first page link should be shown - this will be True if the first page number doesn't appear in page_numbers.
  • show_last: A boolean representing whether a last page link should be shown - this will be True if the last page number doesn't appear in page_numbers.


The tag can take a single argument, which specifies the number of adjacent page links. The default is 2.

{% if is_paginated %}<div class="paginator">{% paginator %}</div>{% endif %}
{% if is_paginated %}<div class="paginator">{% paginator 4 %}</div>{% endif %}


from django import template

register = template.Library()

def paginator(context, adjacent_pages=2):
    """Adds pagination context variables for first, adjacent and next page links
    in addition to those already populated by the object_list generic view."""
    page_numbers = [n for n in \
                    range(context["page"] - adjacent_pages, context["page"] + adjacent_pages + 1) \
                    if n > 0 and n <= context["pages"]]
    return {
        "hits": context["hits"],
        "results_per_page": context["results_per_page"],
        "page": context["page"],
        "pages": context["pages"],
        "page_numbers": page_numbers,
        "next": context["next"],
        "previous": context["previous"],
        "has_next": context["has_next"],
        "has_previous": context["has_previous"],
        "show_first": 1 not in page_numbers,
        "show_last": context["pages"] not in page_numbers,

register.inclusion_tag("paginator.html", takes_context=True)(paginator)

Sample paginator.html:

{% spaceless %}
<span class="paginate-pages" onclick="Paginator.jumpToPage({{ pages }})" title="Page Jump">{{ pages }} Pages</span>
{% if show_first %}<span class="paginate-first"><a href="?page=1" title="First Page">&laquo;</a></span>{% endif %}
{% if has_previous %}<span class="paginate-previous"><a href="?page={{ previous }}" title="Previous Page">&lt;</a></span>{% endif %}
{% for num in page_numbers %}
  {% ifequal num page %}
    <span class="paginate-current" title="Current Page">{{ num }}</span>
  {% else %}
    <span class="paginate-link"><a href="?page={{ num }}" title="Page {{ num }}">{{ num }}</a></span>
  {% endifequal %}
{% endfor %}
{% if has_next %}<span class="paginate-next"><a href="?page={{ next }}" title="Next Page">&gt;</a></span>{% endif %}
{% if show_last %}<span class="paginate-last"><a href="?page={{ pages }}" title="Last Page">&raquo;</a></span>{% endif %}
{% endspaceless %}

paginator.js, used by the above:

var Paginator =
    jumpToPage: function(pages)
        var page = prompt("Enter a number between 1 and " + pages + " to jump to that page", "");
        if (page != undefined)
            page = parseInt(page, 10)
            if (!isNaN(page) && page > 0 && page <= pages)
                window.location.href = "?page=" + page;
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.
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