Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of OracleTestSetup

Nov 18, 2010, 5:00:49 AM (14 years ago)
Ramiro Morales



  • TabularUnified OracleTestSetup

    v12 v13  
    1313* Hopefully collecting information (best practices, tuning tips) to do that
    1414  as efficiently as possible.
     16Contributions from seasoned Oracle users are welcome!.
    1618Chosen components are:
    8688       $ sudo patch < /home/myuser/oracle-xe-script.diff
    88    This is the ``oracle-xe-script.diff`` patch file (you can also download it)::
     90   This is the ``oracle-xe-script.diff`` patch file::
    9092    --- xe   2006-02-24 17:23:15.000000000 -0300
    144146    $ source /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin/
    146 #. Decide if you will perform the following two tasks
     148#. Decide if you will perform the following two tasks:
    148150   * Access the administrative web app
    151153   from the same system where the DB engine is running or from another system through the network. If you chose the
    152    first option you can skit to the next step, if you chose the second option for any of the two kinds of access then you
     154   first option you can skip to the next step, if you chose the second option for any of the two kinds of access then you
    153155   need to solve the following two issues first (see the `Oracle installation documentation`_ for
    154156   detailed instructions):
    162164#. Create an user to be used to connect to the DB when running the tests. (e.g. ``djangotest``)
    163    -- Go to *Home > Administration > Database Users > CREATE* assign it a password (e.g. ``tehsekret``)
     165   -- Go to *Home > Administration > Database Users > CREATE*, assign it a password (e.g. ``tehsekret``)
    165167#. Give the user the needed privileges.
    173175Install cx_Oracle
    175 Do this in the system where youwill run your tests::
     177Do this in the system where you will run your tests::
    177179    $ sudo apt-get install python-dev
    215217    }
    217 The key is that ``NAME`` should be the same (``'xe'``) for both entries, since you're really establishing two connections to the same database. The ``TEST_USER``, ``TEST_TBLSPACE``, and ``TEST_TBLSPACE_TMP`` entries must be different, however.
     219The key is that ``NAME`` should be the same (``'xe'``) for both entries, since you're really establishing two connections to the same database (see *Understanding the database test setup* below for details about this). The ``TEST_USER``, ``TEST_TBLSPACE``, and ``TEST_TBLSPACE_TMP`` entries must be different, however.
    219221Thanks Ian Kelly for providing the correct settings file.
    248 An Oracle instance allows the existence of only one database. This is somewhat different from what we could be accustomed from working with other RDBMS. For more details see the Oracle documentation.
    250 When the Django ORM testing code needs to test multi-DB functionality added in version 1.2, the Django Oracle backend implements that by creating tablespaces. The overall scheme of things is like this:
     250An Oracle instance allows the existence of only one database. This is somewhat different from what we could be accustomed from working with other RDBMS. For more details see the `relevant Oracle documentation`_.
     252*Oracle XE* allows the existence of only one database instance (named ``'xe'``). So, when the Django ORM testing code needs to test multi-DB functionality added in version 1.2, the Django Oracle backend implements that by creating what is know as *tablespaces*. The overall scheme of things is like this:
    252254For every DB alias defined in ``DATABASES``:
    254 * The ``'NAME'`` variable value specifies the name of the DB we ask the Oracle engine for ('xe' in the case of XE). This can be further controlled by using the ``tnsnames`` infrastructure.
     256* The ``'NAME'`` variable value specifies the name of the DB we ask the Oracle engine for ('xe' in the case of XE). AFAIK This can be further controlled by using the ``tnsnames`` infrastructure.
    255257* Both a data tablespace and a temporary data tablespace are created.
    256258* The names of such tablespaces are derived from the value of the ``NAME`` var (the data tablespace gets a name prefixed by ``'test_'`` and the temporary tablespace one prefixed by ``'test_'`` and suffixed by ``'_tmp'``.
    257259* But their names can also be overridden by the ``'TEST_TBLSPACE'`` and ``'TEST_TBLSPACE_TMP'`` vars, respectively.
    258260* For these tablespaces, a temporary user is created beforehand that has full ownership and control over them.
    259 * The username of such user isn't the same as the ``'USER'`` var, is derived from it with a prefix added. It can be overridden with the value of the ``'TEST_USER'`` var.
     261* The username of such user isn't the same as the ``'USER'`` var, is derived from it by adding a ``'test_'`` prefix. It can be overridden with the value of the ``'TEST_USER'`` var.
    260262* The password assigned to that user is hardcoded, but can be overridden by the value of the ``'TEST_PASSWD'`` var.
    261263* The tablespaces and the user are removed when test execution finishes.
    262264* Some variables are provided to control parts of this process:
    264   * ``'TEST_CREATE'`` -- Skips creation and deletion of the tablespaces
    265   * ``'TEST_USER_CREATE'`` -- Skip creation and deletion of the temporary user
     266  * ``'TEST_CREATE'`` -- Skips creation and deletion of the tablespaces.
     267  * ``'TEST_USER_CREATE'`` -- Skip creation and deletion of the temporary user.
    267269In summary, Oracle has the following extra ``DATABASES`` vars when compared with other Django DB backends: ``'TEST_TBLSPACE'``, ``'TEST_TBLSPACE_TMP'``, ``'TEST_USER'``, ``'TEST_PASSWD'``, ``'TEST_CREATE'`` and ``'TEST_USER_CREATE'``.
     271.. _relevant Oracle documentation:
    279283Platform is GNU/Debian Linux 5.0 aka *Lenny* (stable as of Nov 2010) because it still is in
    280 its support period and as a bonus contains Python 2.4 in pre-packaged form.
     284its support period. As a bonus contains Python 2.4 in pre-packaged form.
    282286Things to review:
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