Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of OracleTestSetup

Nov 8, 2010, 9:04:40 PM (14 years ago)
Ramiro Morales

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  • TabularUnified OracleTestSetup

    v1 v1  
     4Preparing an Oracle test setup
     7**This document is work in progress**
     9This document attempt to ease the task of running the Django test suite against
     10Oracle by:
     12  * Providing a step by step setup guide to achieve that.
     13  * Hopefully collecting information (best practices, tuning tips) to do that
     14    as efficiently as possible. chosen is GNU/Debian Linux, things should also work with Ubuntu Linux.
     16The system isn't going to be dedicated exclusively to run Oracle so we will
     17leave things set up so it is necessary to start it manually before a test-debug
     20Obtain and install Oracle XE
     23We will be roughly following the `Oracle installation documentation`_.
     25#. Download the **oracle-xe-universal_10.2.0.1-1.0_i386.deb**  package file from
     27   (*Oracle Database 10g Express Edition for Linux x86*). You need to have an
     28   *Oracle Developer Network* account.
     29   Contrarily to what is suggested in some places_ I've found the newer `.deb` package
     30   you can get here_ and installable by using high level Debian/Ubuntu package management
     31   tools (APT, Aptitude, ...) didn't install things like the ``/etc/init.d/oracle-xe`` init
     32   script and some files under the ``/usr/lib/oracle`` hierarchy so I went with the older
     33   package plus dpkg and taking care of  dependencies manually.
     35#. Install the prerequisite packages, if you fail to do so the installation won't
     36   be ::
     38       $ sudo apt-get install bc libaio1
     40#. Make sure you have enough swap space. If you fail to do this, the Oracle
     41   package installation will abort with an error message about this unmet
     42   condition.
     44#. Install the package you downloaded::
     46       $ sudo dpkg -i oracle-xe-universal_10.2.0.1-1.0_i386.deb
     48#. Configure the DB engine::
     50       $ sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
     52   It will ask you a serie of questions, namely:
     54   * A TCP port for the Oracle Database XE graphical user interface (default: 8080)
     55   * A TCP port for the Oracle database listener (default: 1521)
     56   * A password for the SYS and SYSTEM administrative user accounts. Take note of the value you choose.
     57   * Whether you want the database to start automatically when the computer starts -- I chose **NO** here, see next step.
     59#. **Optional** -- Create an alternate init script -- If you've answered NO to the question
     60   about running the Oracle DB engine automatically on system start then
     61   it won't be possible to start it manually because that flag is stored
     62   (among others) in the ``/etc/default/oracle-xe`` configuration file and we
     63   would be using the same script as the one excuted when the system boots
     64   (``/etc/init.d/oracle-xe``) that always examines these values.
     66   What we can do is to create a slightly modified ``/etc/init.d/xe`` script
     67   that ignores that flag and allows us to control the Oracle process at will::
     69       $ cd /etc/init.d
     70       $ sudo cp -a oracle-xe xe
     71       $ sudo patch < /home/myuser/oracle-xe-script.diff
     73   This is the ``oracle-xe-script.diff`` patch file (you can also download it)::
     75    --- oracle-xe   2006-02-24 17:23:15.000000000 -0300
     76    +++ xe  2010-11-03 07:58:43.000000000 -0300
     77    @@ -596,13 +596,8 @@
     78     # See how we were called
     79     case "$1" in
     80       start)
     81    -       if test -f "$CONFIGURATION"
     82    +       if test ! -f "$CONFIGURATION"
     83            then
     84    -               if test "$ORACLE_DBENABLED" != "true"
     85    -               then
     86    -                       exit 0
     87    -               fi
     88    -       else
     89            echo "Oracle Database 10g Express Edition is not configured.  You must run
     90    '/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure' as the root user to configure the database."
     91                    exit 0
     92    @@ -613,13 +608,8 @@
     93            configure
     94            ;;
     95       stop)
     96    -       if test -f "$CONFIGURATION"
     97    +       if test ! -f "$CONFIGURATION"
     98            then
     99    -               if test "$ORACLE_DBENABLED" != "true"
     100    -               then
     101    -                       exit 0
     102    -               fi
     103    -       else
     104            echo "Oracle Database 10g Express Edition is not configured.  You must run
     105    '/etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure' as the root user to configure the database."
     106                    exit 0
     108   Now we can start/stop Oracle manually using it::
     110       $ sudo /etc/init.d/xe start
     111       Starting Oracle Net Listener.
     112       Starting Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Instance.
     114       $ sudo /etc/init.d/xe stop
     115       Shutting down Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Instance.
     116       Stopping Oracle Net Listener.
     118   (in newer versions of Debian/Ubuntu we can use the shorter version
     119   ``sudo service xe start``)
     121#. Make sure the needed Oracle environment vars are set for the client
     122   libraries (Bash shell)::
     124    $ echo "source /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc
     125    $ source /usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/bin/
     127#. Access the DB engine administration web app by pointing our Web browser to ``http://localhost:8080/apex``
     128   and using the ``SYSTEM`` user and the password you chose above.
     130#. Create an user to be used for running the tests. (e.g. ``djangotest``) -- Go to *Home > Administration > Database Users > CREATE*
     131   assing it a password (e.g. ``foo``)
     133#. Give the user the needed privileges.
     135   * Roles: ``CONNECT``, ``RESOURCE`` and ``DBA``
     136   * *Directly Granted System Privileges*: ``CREATE TABLE``, ``CREATE PROCEDURE``, ``CREATE SEQUENCE`` and ``CREATE TARIGGER``
     138.. _Oracle installation documentation:
     139.. _places:
     140.. _here:
     142#. We don't need to install the Oracle client stack because we are going to run the Django tests in the same system.
     144Install cx_Oracle
     148    $ sudo apt-get install python-dev
     149    $ ...
     151Create the Django settings file
     155    $ cat
     157    DATABASES = {
     158        'default': {
     159            'ENGINE': '',
     160            'NAME': 'xe',
     161            'USER': 'djangotest',
     162            'PASSWORD': 'foo',
     163        },
     164        'other': {
     165            'ENGINE': '',
     166            'NAME': 'xeother',
     167            'USER': 'djangotest2',
     168            'PASSWORD': 'bar',
     169            #'TEST_USER_CREATE': False,
     170            'TEST_TBLSPACE': 'tblspace_other',
     171            'TEST_TBLSPACE_TMP': 'tblspace_tmp_other',
     172        },
     173    }
     175Test things
     179    $ sudo /etc/init.d/xe start
     181    $ ./runtests basic
     183    Creating test database 'default'...
     184    Creating test user...
     185    Creating test database 'other'...
     186    Creating test user...
     187    .......s...
     188    ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     189    Ran 11 tests in 2.279s
     191    OK (skipped=1)
     192    Destroying test database 'default'...
     193    Destroying test user...
     194    Destroying test database tables...
     195    Destroying test database 'other'...
     196    Destroying test user...
     197    Destroying test database tables...
     202In my particular case I've implemented this setup by using a KVM virtual machine
     203(host syste, is a workstation running Debian unstable *Sid*). The VM got two CPUs, 1 GiB of RAM
     204and a 30 GiB hard disk. Platform is GNU/Debian Linux 5.0 aka *Lenny* (stable as of Nov 2010)
     205because it still is in its support period and as a bonus contains Python 2.4 in pre-packaged
     206form. Things should also work with Ubuntu Linux.
     208Things to review:
     210* How muchdoes  the Oracle installation pollutes the system?. If it result to be confined and easy to undo/cleanup, maybe this setup doesn't need to be done inside a VM.
     211* System resource (CPU, RAM usage while running the full test suite). Maybe I can reduce the RAM assigned to the VM to 512 MiB and the virtual CPU count from two to one.
     213To do
     216Finish the multi-db setup by crafting a correct Django settings file (```` above) that allows us to run the entire suite with errors.
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