Changes between Version 15 and Version 16 of NewAdminChanges

Oct 30, 2005, 11:52:13 AM (19 years ago)



  • TabularUnified NewAdminChanges

    v15 v16  
    192192== Admin converted to separate templates ==
    194 The admin is now rendered using separate templates. These can be overloaded, meaning the admin is a bit easily customizable.
    195 Inline editing can use a custom template, reather than using edit_inline=meta.TABULAR or meta.SOURCE, just use a path to a template, eg edit_inline="edit_inline_horizontal".
    197  This does require knowing the contents of the context for that template which is undocumented. Also this will probably change to a class to allow more flexibility, eg processing for style/grouping logic etc.
     194The admin is now rendered using separate templates. These can be overloaded, meaning the admin is a bit more easily customizable.
     196An example is change forms - these are the forms used to modify and add objects in the admin. The templates are selected in the following order :
     202So it is possible to change the form just for one kind of object.
     203This makes it possible to add in extra information or change existing blocks eg branding.
     205So if we take the polls app as an example, we may want to customise the admin page just for the polls object.
     207We create a file {{{admin/polls/polls/change_form.html}}} in our apps template directory, with the contents:
     210{%extends "admin/change_form" %}
     212{% block branding %} Customised title {% endblock %}
     213{% block after_field_sets %} Some interesting information after the field sets  {% endblock %}
     217This works using normal template inheritance, so make sure you inherit from the right thing.
     219In the change forms, the following blocks are available for custom overriding:
     221branding - included from "admin/base"
     222form_top - at the top of the form after the title.
     223after_field_sets - after standard field sets, before the related objects
     224after_related_objects - after edit_inline objects
     227Inline editing can be customised. rather than using edit_inline=meta.TABULAR or meta.SOURCE, you can define a custom inline editing mode. This is done by subclassing BoundRelatedObject, and using that class. eg edit_inline=HorizontalScroller.
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