Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of NewAdminChanges

Oct 15, 2005, 8:51:36 AM (19 years ago)



  • TabularUnified NewAdminChanges

    v1 v1  
     1The new admin branch contains a number of changes.
     5Manipulators have a new optional argument to their constructors, follow.
     6The argument is a dictionary indicating which fields and related objects
     7to extract in flatten_data and examine when saving the object.
     8The default set to follow is
     9* Any fields without editable=False
     10* Any related objects with edit_inline set on the ForeignKey relating to the class the manipulator is concerned with.
     11This is the set of fields shown by the admin.
     13insert example
     16manipulators have a new method, flatten_data().
     17This takes the data from the existing object (or the defaults in the case of an AddManipulator) and turns it into a suitable form for an HTTP post.
     18It must be called before creating the formfield wrapper is created.
     20The data from a post must have
     23called on it before it is used to repopulate a formfieldwrapper.
     25insert example
     28A new tag called include which is an imporvement on ssi parsed. See #598.
     29Improved error reporting when debug is on. See #603.  Also note that loaders must return a tuple of (source, filename) rather than just the source of a loaded template.
     32"""Admin converted to separate templates"""
     34The admin is now rendered using seperate templates.
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