Changes between Version 151 and Version 152 of Localization

Sep 3, 2008, 8:15:05 AM (17 years ago)
Gasper Zejn



  • TabularUnified Localization

    v151 v152  
    5757== How to Update Translations ==
     59Assuming you have done a checkout of django in a folder called '''django_src''' and that's where the django, docs, examples, extras and other files are.
    5961 1. Ensure that you are running the latest subversion checkout of the code - run "svn update" in your local django subversion copy.
    60  2. Run {{{ makemessages -l <locale>}}} and you get updated .po files
    61  3. Update any untranslated and fuzzy messages with your favorite translation tool. Anything that looks like "%s" or "%(something)s" has to be copied precisely and the 's' may be a 'd' or 'x' or 'i', possibly.
    62  4. Run {{{ compilemessages -l <locale>}}} and ensure there are no errors.
    63  5. Upload the diff of .po files to Trac. (The complete new .po files are ok, but diff file would be better.)
     62 1. Change dir to django_src
     63 1. Run {{{export PYTHONPATH=`pwd` makemessages -l <locale>}}} and you get updated .po files
     64 1. Update any untranslated and fuzzy messages with your favorite translation tool. Anything that looks like "%s" or "%(something)s" has to be copied precisely and the 's' may be a 'd' or 'x' or 'i', possibly.
     65 1. Run {{{ compilemessages -l <locale>}}} and ensure there are no errors.
     66 1. Change dir to django_src
     67 1. Do a {{{svn diff django/conf/locale/ > django-i18n-<locale>.patch}}} to create the diff file
     68 1. Upload the diff of .po files to Trac. (The complete new .po files are ok, but diff file would be better.)
    6570It is best practice to just check every few weeks (once a month or so if you're really enthusiastic; less often if you're
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