Changes between Version 45 and Version 46 of LittleEasyImprovements

Mar 1, 2007, 12:08:43 AM (18 years ago)
Gary Wilson <gary.wilson@…>

Cleaned up finished improvements.


  • TabularUnified LittleEasyImprovements

    v45 v46  
    1313||#2407||Test the CGI Handler|| ||Needs testing||
    1414||#2998|| uses untranslated text|| || ||
    15 ||#834||authentication documentation should document the viewfuncs in django.views.auth.login|| || ||
    16 ||#2873|| Replace "ellington" references in django.conf.urls.registration with django ones||Don Spaulding, donspauldingii at gmail ||Uploaded diff, waiting for checkin ||
    19 == Finished ==
    21 ||Project||Description||Taker?||Status||
    22 ||Unit tests for default template filters||Every template filter (see {{{django/core/template/}}}) should have unit tests in {{{tests/othertests/}}}. Most do not have tests.||Luke Plant,||Done in [1811]||
    23 ||Unit tests for default template tags||Every template tag (see {{{django/template/}}}) should have unit tests in {{{tests/othertests/}}}. Some are missing.||Nick Efford, nick (at)||Mostly done in [1944] and completed by others since then||
    24 ||Copy-friendly traceback on error pages||The debug error pages should provide an extra traceback solely for copying and pasting. The current traceback is really cool but doesn't lend itself to easy copy-and-paste for, say, the pastebin.||Joao Paulo Farias, jpaulofarias at gmail dot com || Done, see #1420 ||
    25 ||Terminal colors in django-admin||The utility would be friendlier and slicker if it used terminal colors.||Scott Lees|| Done in [2585] (was #1491) ||
    26 ||Tab-completion actions for django-admin|| would be much cooler if it would tab complete actions and models.||paolo <>|| Done #1240 ||
    27 ||Quick Copy to pastebin||Create a one click link for users to send the "copy friendly errors" to with the input fields filled in with the traceback, ready for the user to hit "submit" || Dirk Datzert, dummy at habmalnefrage dot de || #2437 ||
    28 ||#3346||Document that Admin search_fields can be from related models||Robert Myers and Gary Wilson||In trunk as of [4392]||
    29 ||#2762||Implement "copyright" element into Rss2.0 framework (and appropriate elements in Atom etc)|| Jonathan (dot) Buchanan (at gmail dot com) || In trunk as of [4478] ||
     15||Quick Copy to pastebin||Create a one click link for users to send the "copy friendly errors" to with the input fields filled in with the traceback, ready for the user to hit "submit" || Dirk Datzert, dummy at habmalnefrage dot de || patch attached to #2437 ||
     16||Tab-completion actions for django-admin (#1240)|| would be much cooler if it would tab complete actions and models.||paolo <>|| Done in [4646], but reopened for a small fix.||
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