Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of ListColumns

Oct 27, 2010, 1:55:52 AM (14 years ago)
Alex Kamedov



  • TabularUnified ListColumns

    v5 v6  
    2929 * load_filters - list of required template tags libraries. This libraries will be load before apply template filters to output value. Eg.: ['tagging_tags', 'tagging_autocomplete_tags'].
    30 Note: In admin area you can use "boolean_icon" template filter (it is provided by "admin_list" template library, this used to render admin change list). It is useful to display values of boolean fields or callables. It show green or red mark instead of True or False values. It is applied for boolean model fields (but not for callables) on render admin change list by default.
     30Note: In admin area you can use "boolean_icon" template filter (it is provided by "admin_list" template library, this used to render admin change list). It is useful to display values of boolean fields or callables. It show green or red mark instead of True or False values. It is applied for boolean model fields by default (but not for callables) on render admin change list.
    3232 * order_field - string with model field name witch will be used to provide order by this column. If it provided for callable functions, its will be called with this field value in first argument instead of current object instance (this feature exists at least at svn rev. 14188 but currently is not documented).
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