Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of GeoDjangoModelAPI

Oct 30, 2007, 7:16:29 PM (17 years ago)

updated trac wiki syntax, moved GeoMixin to bottom of doc


  • TabularUnified GeoDjangoModelAPI

    v4 v5  
    3030In addition to the regular [ field options] available for Django models, Geographic-enabled models have  the following additional options:
    31  * {{{srid}}}
     31 * `srid`
    3232   * Sets the SRID (Spatial Reference System Identity) of geometry to the given value.  Defaults to 4326 (WGS84).  ''See'' Open GIS Consortium, Inc., ''[ OpenGIS Simple Feature Specification For SQL]'', Document 99-049 (May 5, 1999), at  Ch. 2.3.8 (Geometry Values and Spatial Reference Systems, pg. 39).
    33  * {{{index}}}
    34    * Defaults to True.  Creates a GiST index for the given geometry.  Update the index with the PostgreSQL command {{{VACUUM ANALYZE}}} (may take a while to execute depending on how large your geographic-enabled tables are).  Please note that this is different from the {{{db_index}}} field option since geographic indexes are created in a different manner than regular indexes.
     33 * `index`
     34   * Defaults to True.  Creates a GiST index for the given geometry.  Update the index with the PostgreSQL command `VACUUM ANALYZE` (may take a while to execute depending on how large your geographic-enabled tables are).  Please note that this is different from the `db_index` field option since geographic indexes are created in a different manner than regular indexes.
    36 == !GeoMixin ==
    38 The [ GeoMixin] is no longer necessary for all geographic-enabled models as of r6467.  The mixin used to provide extra instance methods ([wiki:GeoDjangoDatabaseAPI#ExtraInstanceMethods discussed in the database api docs]) for geographic models without subclassing (aka ModelInheritance) -- which is not yet functional in Django.
    4037== !GeoManager ==
    42 In order to conduct geographic queries, each geographic model requires {{{GeoManager}}}.  This [ manager] allows for the proper SQL construction for geographic queries; thus, without it, all geographic filters will fail.  It should also be noted that a {{{GeoManager}}} will be required even if the model does not have a geographic field itself, ''i.e.'',in the case of a {{{ForeignKey}}} to a geographic model.  For example, if we had an {{{Address}}} model with a {{{ForeignKey}}} to our {{{Zip}}} geographic model:
     39In order to conduct geographic queries, each geographic model requires `GeoManager`.  This [ manager] allows for the proper SQL construction for geographic queries; thus, without it, all geographic filters will fail.  It should also be noted that a `GeoManager` will be required even if the model does not have a geographic field itself, ''i.e.'',in the case of a `ForeignKey` to a geographic model.  For example, if we had an `Address` model with a `ForeignKey` to our `Zip` geographic model:
    5956>>> qs = Address.objects.filter(zip__poly__contains='POINT(-104.590948 38.319914)')
     60== !GeoMixin ==
     62'''Update:''' The [ GeoMixin] is no longer necessary for geographic models as of r6467.  The mixin used to provide extra instance methods ([wiki:GeoDjangoDatabaseAPI#ExtraInstanceMethods discussed in the database api docs]) for geographic models without subclassing (aka ModelInheritance) -- which is not yet functional in Django.
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