Changes between Version 71 and Version 72 of GeoDjango

May 23, 2007, 7:43:06 AM (18 years ago)

updates, incorporated user edits


  • TabularUnified GeoDjango

    v71 v72  
    8787   * Support for a mapping framework (e.g. Google Maps/Earth, Yahoo Maps, MS Live, etc.)
    8888     * Admin fields and forms (WKT field currently as of r4884, but we want widgets to view and manipulate geographic objects).
    89    * Utilities for importing raster data (SHP files first) directly into Django models.
     89   * Utilities for importing raster data (SHP files first) directly into Django models -- will be done with the forthcoming {{{LayerMapping}}} class.
     90   * Distance queries, calculations, and related utilities.
    9091 * '''Complete'''
    9192   * PostGIS indexing capability.
    175176== Spatial Queries ==
    176 After a geographic model has been created, the PostGIS additions to the API may be used.  Geographic queries are done by normally by using {{{filter()}}} and {{{exclude()}}} on geometry-enabled models using geographic lookup types (''see'' the [GeoDjango#DatabaseAPI Database API] below for lookup types).  In the following example, the {{{bbcontains}}} lookup type is used which is the same as the PostGIS {{{&&}}} operator.  It looks to see if the ''bounding box'' of the polygon contains the specific point.  The next example uses the PostGIS {{{Contains()}}} function, which calls GEOS library to test if the ''polygon'' actually contains the specific point, not just the bounding box.
     177After a geographic model has been created, the PostGIS additions to the API may be used.  Geographic queries are done normally by using {{{filter()}}} and {{{exclude()}}} on geometry-enabled models using geographic lookup types (''see'' the [GeoDjango#DatabaseAPI Database API] below for lookup types).  In the following example, the {{{bbcontains}}} lookup type is used which is the same as the PostGIS {{{&&}}} operator.  It looks to see if the ''bounding box'' of the polygon contains the specific point.  The next example uses the PostGIS {{{Contains()}}} function, which calls GEOS library to test if the ''polygon'' actually contains the specific point, not just the bounding box.
    196197= Installation =
    197198Installation of the GeoDjango module will also require the installation of existing open source geographic libraries and a spatial database (currently only PostGIS).  This section will describe the installation process for these libraries.  Initially, these instructions will pertain only to a Linux platform (particularly Debian or Ubuntu).  Mac & Windows support will be considered later; however, these instructions will most likely work through the Mac shell.  ~~Don't hold your breath for Windows support.~~ Community support for prerequisites is better than previously believed, Windows support will come much earlier than expected.
     199== Python & PostgreSQL ==
     200 * '''Python'''
     201   * ''Required:'' Python 2.4 is required because of heavy use of 2.4 decorator syntax (''e.g.'' {{{@property}}}).  The {{{ctypes}}} module needs to be installed as well.
     202   * ''Recommended:'' Python 2.5 is recommended because the {{{ctypes}}} module comes included.  [ Python 2.5.1] is the current latest.
     203 * '''PostgreSQL'''
     204   * ''Recommended:'' PostgreSQL 8.X
     205   * We are currently using v8.1 of PostgreSQL, and know of no problems with 8.2
     206   * On Ubuntu Feisty, you'll need the apt packages {{{postgresql-server-dev-8.x}}} (the development headers are needed for PostGIS compilation) and {{{postgresql-8.x}}}.
    198207== Django ==
    199208 * GeoDjango exists in the {{{gis}}} branch from SVN:
    225234== PostGIS ==
    226235 * Latest [ PostGIS] version is 1.2.1
    227  * First build & install PostGIS.   We are currently using v8.1 of PostgreSQL.
    228    * On Ubuntu Feisty, you'll need postgresql-server-dev-8.x as well as postgresql-8.x.
     236 * First build & install PostGIS.
    230238$ ./configure --with-geos --with-proj
    257265 * Latest [ GDAL] version is 1.4.1.  Configure with GEOS and Python support, then make and install:
    259 $ ./configure --with-geos --with-ngpython
     267$ ./configure --with-geos --with-python
    260268$ make
    261269# make install
    263  * ''Note'': This is done with the 'next generation' SWIG Python bindings. The compilation flag to enable the old bindings (no longer supported) is {{{--with-python}}}.
    264    * Note also that as of 1.4.1, ngpython didn't work with python2.5.  It's fixed on trunk per their ticket [ 1379].
     271 * This is done without the 'next generation' SWIG Python bindings. The compilation flag to enable the new bindings is {{{--with-ngpython}}}.
     272 *  ''Note'': As of 1.4.1, {{{ngpython}}} bindings don't work with Python 2.5.  While it's listed as fixed on trunk per their ticket [ 1379], I've still had issues with using the trunk.  A {{{ctypes}}} interface, for needed GeoDjango functionality, is forthcoming.
    266274= Model API =
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