Changes between Version 60 and Version 61 of GeoDjango

Apr 7, 2007, 3:01:33 AM (18 years ago)

desigin issues cleanup, better GEOS non-maintenence resource, code syntax highlighting


  • TabularUnified GeoDjango

    v60 v61  
    11= Contents =
    2 The [ gis] branch intends to add a contrib app allowing for Geographic-enabled fields and queries.
     2The [ GIS] branch intends to be a world-class geographic web framework.  Our goal is to make it as easy as possible to build GIS web applications and harness the power of spatially enabled data.
    33 * [GeoDjango#Background Background]
    44   * [GeoDjango#WhatsGIS What's GIS?]
    9191== Phase 3 ==
    9292 * Support MySQL databases.
     93 * Geocoding framework.
    9495== Design Issues ==
    95  * Mapping JS framework -- do we want to support OpenLayers, the Google Maps API, the Yahoo API?
     96 * Client JS/Flash framework, ''i.e.'', do we want to support OpenLayers, the Google Maps API, the Yahoo API? 
     97   * So far, Google Maps looks the most promising for being supported first (people are familiar with it, and it's more stable than open layers).
     98   * [ Yahoo!] has a really slick flash interface, I'd like to support this eventually.
     99 * Mapping Framework (generating custom tiles, layers, labels, etc.)
     100   * [ Mapnik] is modern, but very early on in development and ''completely'' lacks documentation.  However, the code is elegant and clean, and it was designed for integration with Python -- we're leaning towards this right now.
     101   * [ Mapserver] has been around for a while, strong backing in the community (e.g. native support in [ QGIS]).  Even with documentation, the code looks less inviting than Mapnik (all in C); also has archaic text-based configuration files (pre-dating markup languages).
    96102 * GEOS
    97    * GEOS is no longer maintained by Sean Gillies. ''See'' Sean's message on the [ GEOS-Devel Mailing List] (Mar. 5, 2007)
     103   * GEOS is no longer maintained by Sean Gillies.  ''See'' Sean Gillies, ''[ Geometries for Python]'' (blog post explaining rationale for abandoning GEOS support); ''see also'' Sean's message on the [ GEOS-Devel Mailing List] (Mar. 5, 2007).
    98104   * Might consider either using PCL or implement a {{{ctypes}}} wrapper for the routines that we need -- can't really port PCL code here because it is GPL (Django is licensed under BSD).
    99105 * WMS Server
    100    * I'm not satisfied with any of the current WMS/WFS implementations.   One implemented in Django would be desirable, e.g., {{{django.contrib.gis.wms}}}.  Thoughts anyone?
    101    * MapNik is modern, but very early on in development and lacks documentation.
     106   * I'm not satisfied with any of the current WMS/WFS implementations.   One implemented in Django would be desirable, e.g., {{{django.contrib.gis.wms}}}.  Thoughts anyone?  (OWSLib looks good, see below)
    103109== Collaboration ==
    105111 * Strong opportunities for collaboration with regards to:
    106112   * Mapping framework
     113   * WMS/WMF Framework -- '''[ OWSLib]''' looks excellent for this (BSD licensed and has unit tests!)
    107114   * Utilities
    108115   * Database representation ideas
    109    * WMS/WMF Framework
    110116   * GEOS support, Sean Gilles (lead developer of PCL) looking for help maintaining Python/SWIG interface to GEOS.  If SWIG interface no longer maintained, might have to move to PCL for up-to-date GEOS library support.
    115121Here is an example of how the model API currently works (assume this example is in geo_app/
    117124from django.contrib.gis.db import models
    136143Use the {{{}}} to invoke {{{syncdb}}} like you normally would:
    138146$ python sqlall geo_app
    160168After a geographic model has been created, the PostGIS additions to the API may be used.  Geographic queries are done by normally by using {{{filter()}}} and {{{exclude()}}} on geometry-enabled models using geographic lookup types (''see'' the [GeoDjango#DatabaseAPI Database API] below for lookup types).  In the following example, the {{{bbcontains}}} lookup type is used which is the same as the PostGIS {{{&&}}} operator.  It looks to see if the ''bounding box'' of the polygon contains the specific point.  The next example uses the PostGIS {{{Contains()}}} function, which calls GEOS library to test if the ''polygon'' actually contains the specific point, not just the bounding box.
    162171>>> from geo_app.models import District, School
    163172>>> qs1 = District.objects.filter(poly__bbcontains='POINT(-95.362293 29.756539)')
    167176Both spatial queries and normal queries using {{{filter()}}} may be used in the same query.  For example, the following query set will only show school districts that have 'Houston' in their name and contain the given point within their polygon boundary:
    169179>>> qs = District.objects.filter(name__contains='Houston').filter(poly__contains='POINT(-95.362293 29.756539)')
    172182Or combine both the bounding box routines (less accurate, fast) with the GEOS routines (most accurate, slower) to get a query that is both fast and accurate:
    174185>>> qs = District.objects.filter(poly__bbcontains='POINT(-95.362293 29.756539)').filter(poly__contains='POINT(-95.362293 29.756539)')
    177188= Installation =
    178 Installation of the GeoDjango module will also require the installation of existing open source geographic libraries and a spatial database (currently only PostGIS).  This section will describe the installation process for these libraries.  Initially, these instructions will pertain only to a Linux platform (particularly Debian or Ubuntu).  Mac & Windows support will be considered later; however, these instructions will most likely work through the Mac shell.  Don't hold your breath for Windows support.
     189Installation of the GeoDjango module will also require the installation of existing open source geographic libraries and a spatial database (currently only PostGIS).  This section will describe the installation process for these libraries.  Initially, these instructions will pertain only to a Linux platform (particularly Debian or Ubuntu).  Mac & Windows support will be considered later; however, these instructions will most likely work through the Mac shell.  ~~Don't hold your breath for Windows support.~~ Community support for prerequisites is better than previously believed, Windows support will come much earlier than expected.
    179190== Django ==
    180191 * GeoDjango exists in the {{{gis}}} branch from SVN:
    187198 * Latest [ GEOS] version is 3.0.0RC4
    188199   * Also requires SWIG >= 1.3.28.  (Ubuntu Dapper comes with 1.3.27.)
    189    * If there's trouble locating your python, include PYTHON=/path/to/your/python.
     200   * If there's trouble locating your python, include {{{PYTHON=/path/to/python}}}, or {{{--enable-python=/path/to/python}}}.
     201 * Configure (enabling python), make, and install.
    191203$ ./configure --enable-python
    253265 * Field keywords are used during model creation, for example:
    255268from django.contrib.gis.db import models
    273287>>> from zipcode.models import Zip
    274288>>> z = Zip(code=77096, poly='POLYGON(( 10 10, 10 20, 20 20, 20 15, 10 10))')
    289 >>> qs = Zip.objects.filter(<Zip geo field A>__<geo lookup type>=<geo string B>)
     304>>> qs = Zip.objects.filter(<geo field A>__<geo lookup type>=<geo string B>)
    290305>>> qs = Zip.objects.exclude(...)
    373389>>> skool = School.objects.get(name='PSAS')
    374390>>> print skool.get_point_wkt()
    383400>>> dist = District.objects.get(name='Houston ISD')
    384401>>> print dist.get_poly_centroid()
    393411>>> dist = District.objects.get(name='Houston ISD')
    394412>>> print dist.get_poly_area()
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