Changes between Version 52 and Version 53 of GeoDjango

Mar 30, 2007, 10:31:14 PM (18 years ago)

updated db_api, FAQ


  • TabularUnified GeoDjango

    v52 v53  
    5858= FAQ =
    5959 * Place your questions '''here'''.
    60  * '''Q:'''When dealing with points (say, degrees) from, do they need to be converted to be useful on the back-end data, assuming -that- data is in degrees?  Is it enough to have the same datum and origin?  (Reading the intro above is likely to answer the question.)
     60 * '''Q:''' When dealing with points (say, degrees) from, do they need to be converted to be useful on the back-end data, assuming -that- data is in degrees?  Is it enough to have the same datum and origin?  (Reading the intro above is likely to answer the question.)
    6161   * My (JDunck) reading indicates yes.  Given the same coordinate system (i.e. datum, origin, and axes), degrees are useful without conversion.
    62  * '''Q:'''Can this implementation work with [ MySQL spatial-extensions]. If not, it's planned?
     62 * '''Q:''' Can this implementation work with [ MySQL spatial-extensions]. If not, it's planned?
     63   * No.  Yes it's (now) planned, ''see'' Phase 3 below.  From the last time I (jbronn) checked, MySQL's spatial capabilities have improved.  However, we're going to focus our efforts on PostGIS until things are worked out a bit more -- as a spatial database it is more standards compliant (OpenGIS consortium), more widely used, and has more features (e.g. coordinate transformation, {{{geometry_columns}}} and {{{spatial_ref_sys}}} tables).  It is definitely something I would want to implement in the future since I do ''like'' MySQL.
    7172== Phase 2 ==
    7273 * Add as much from the PostGIS API as possible.
    73  * Finish PostGIS indexing capability.
     74 * Finish PostGIS indexing capability (complete).
    7475 * Admin fields and forms.
    7576 * Add geometry-enabled routines to the fields that call directly on GEOS routines -- like area(), centroid(), etc.
    7677 * Support for mapping frameworks.
    7778 * Utilities for importing raster data (SHP files first) directly into Django models.
     80== Phase 3 ==
     81 * Support MySQL databases.
    7983== Collaboration ==
    259263 * ''See generally'', [ "Operators", PostGIS Documentation at Ch. 6.2.2]
    260  * '''Note:'''  This API is subject to some change, ''i.e.'', {{{overlapsbelow}}} is expected to become {{{overlaps_below}}}.
    261  * {{{overlapsleft}}}
     264 * '''Note:'''  This API is subject to some change -- we're open to suggestions.
     265 * {{{overlaps_left}}}
    262266   * Returns true if A's bounding box overlaps or is to the left of B's bounding box.
    263267   * PostGIS equivalent "{{{&<}}}"
    264  * {{{overlapsright}}}
     268 * {{{overlaps_right}}}
    265269   * Returns true if A's bounding box overlaps or is to the right of B's bounding box.
    266270   * PostGIS equivalent "{{{&>}}}"
    271275   * Returns true if A's bounding box is strictly to the right of B's bounding box.
    272276   * PostGIS equivalent "{{{>>}}}"
    273  * {{{overlapsbelow}}}
     277 * {{{overlaps_below}}}
    274278   * Returns true if A's bounding box overlaps or is below B's bounding box.
    275279   * PostGIS equivalent "{{{&<|}}}"
    276  * {{{overlapsabove}}}
     280 * {{{overlaps_above}}}
    277281   * Returns true if A's bounding box overlaps or is above B's bounding box.
    278282   * PostGIS equivalent "{{{|&>}}}"
    279  * {{{strictlybelow}}}
     283 * {{{strictly_below}}}
    280284   * Returns true if A's bounding box is strictly below B's bounding box.
    281285   * PostGIS equivalent "{{{<<|}}}"
    282  * {{{strictlyabove}}}
     286 * {{{strictly_above}}}
    283287   * Returns true if A's bounding box is strictly above B's bounding box.
    284288   * PostGIS equivalent "{{{|>>}}}"
    285  * {{{sameas}}}
     289 * {{{same_as}}}
    286290   * The "same as" operator. It tests actual geometric equality of two features. So if A and B are the same feature, vertex-by-vertex, the operator returns true.
    287291   * PostGIS equivalent "{{{~=}}}"
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