Changes between Version 34 and Version 35 of GeoDjango

Mar 11, 2007, 7:35:26 PM (18 years ago)



  • TabularUnified GeoDjango

    v34 v35  
    9292Installation of the GeoDjango module will also require the installation of existing open source geographic libraries and a spatial database (currently only PostGIS).  This section will describe the installation process for these libraries.  Initially, these instructions will pertain only to a Linux platform (particularly Debian or Ubuntu).  Mac & Windows support will be considered later; however, these instructions will most likely work through the Mac shell.  Don't hold your breath for Windows support.
    9393== GEOS ==
    94  * Required
     94 * Latest GEOS version is 3.0.0RC4
     96$ ./configure --enable-python
     97$ make
     98# make install
    95100== PROJ ==
    96  * Required
     101 * Latest PROJ version is 4.5.0
     103$ ./configure
     104$ make
     105# make install
    97107== PostGIS ==
    98  * Required
     108 * Latest PostGIS version is 1.2.1
     109 * First build & install PostGIS.   We are currently using v8.1 of PostgreSQL.
     111$ ./configure --with-geos --with-proj
     112$ make
     113# make install
     116 * Next, create a role and database for your application, and allow it to access PostGIS functionality:
     118# su - postgres
     119$ psql
     120postgres=# CREATE ROLE <user> LOGIN CREATEDB;
     121postgres=# \q
     122$ createdb -O <user> <db_name>
     123$ createlang plpgsql <db_name>
     124$ psql -d <db_name> -f /usr/local/share/lwpostgis.sql
     125$ psql -d <db_name> -f /usr/local/share/spatial_ref_sys.sql
     126$ psql <db_name>
     127<db_name>=# GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE ON geometry_columns TO <user>;
     128<db_name>=# GRANT SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE ON spatial_ref_sys TO <user>;
     131 * Finally, update your to reflect the name and user for the spatially enabled database.  So far, we only plan to support the psycopg2 backend, thus: DATABASE_ENGINE='postgresql_psycopg2'.
    99132== GDAL ==
    100133 * Optional, but useful for coordinate transformations.
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