30 | | * ~~knmurphy -- moving ref/django-admin.txt to ./howto/custom-management-commands.txt |
31 | | * ~~ yml -- Replace all images ({{{.. image::}}} and {{{.. figure::}}} directives) with local image files -- right now they use absolute URLs to Django's media server. Images should be put in in {{{_static}}} directory next to the document they're used in. For an example, see {{{internals/contributing.txt}}} and the associated {{{internals/_static}}} directory.~~ |
| 30 | * ~~knmurphy -- moving ref/django-admin.txt to ./howto/custom-management-commands.txt ~~ |
| 31 | * ~~yml -- Replace all images ({{{.. image::}}} and {{{.. figure::}}} directives) with local image files -- right now they use absolute URLs to Django's media server. Images should be put in in {{{_static}}} directory next to the document they're used in. For an example, see {{{internals/contributing.txt}}} and the associated {{{internals/_static}}} directory~~ |