| 285 | |
| 286 | === Raw `grep` results === |
| 287 | |
| 288 | ==== `__class__` keyword used for accessing anything other than `__name__` === |
| 289 | |
| 290 | {{{ |
| 291 | $ grep -r '__class__\.' django/ | egrep -v '(\.svn|\.html|\.css|\.pyc|_doctest\.py|__class__\.__name__)' | sort | uniq |
| 292 | }}} |
| 293 | |
| 294 | yields the following results |
| 295 | |
| 296 | {{{ |
| 297 | django/contrib/auth/middleware.py: request.__class__.user = LazyUser() |
| 298 | django/contrib/contenttypes/models.py: ct = self.__class__._cache[id] |
| 299 | django/contrib/contenttypes/models.py: ct = self.__class__._cache[key] |
| 300 | django/contrib/contenttypes/models.py: self.__class__._cache.clear() |
| 301 | django/contrib/contenttypes/models.py: self.__class__._cache[ct.id] = ct |
| 302 | django/contrib/contenttypes/models.py: self.__class__._cache[key] = ct |
| 303 | django/db/models/base.py: q = self.__class__._default_manager.filter(**kwargs).order_by((not is_next and '-' or '') + field.name, (not is_next and '-' or '') + self._meta.pk.name) |
| 304 | django/db/models/base.py: raise self.DoesNotExist, "%s matching query does not exist." % self.__class__._meta.object_name |
| 305 | django/db/models/fields/__init__.py: not instance.__class__._default_manager.filter(**{'%s__exact' % self.name: getattr(instance, self.attname)}): |
| 306 | django/dispatch/saferef.py: del self.__class__._allInstances[ self.key ] |
| 307 | django/newforms/models.py: opts = instance.__class__._meta |
| 308 | django/newforms/models.py: opts = instance.__class__._meta |
| 309 | }}} |