Changes between Version 265 and Version 266 of DjangoResources

Dec 26, 2010, 12:43:29 PM (14 years ago)

Lots of apps added


  • TabularUnified DjangoResources

    v265 v266  
    3434These are open-source application components that you can plug into any project.
    3535See ReusableAppResources for other resources for finding and evaluating re-usable apps.
    36  * OpenID
     36 * OpenID, OAuth
     37  * [ django-publicauth] - Authenticate users through OpenID/OAuth/Facebook/Vkontakte
     38  * [ Django-Socialauth] - Allows logging in via Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail, Twitter and Openid
     39  * [ django-socialregistration] - Another OpenID + OAuth + OAuth2 (Facebook) solution
    3740  * [ django-authopenid] - Django authentication application with openid using django auth contrib
    3841  * [ django-openid] (django_openidconsumer)
    5356 * Search
    54   * [ django-sphinx] A full-text search integration with Django using the Sphinx engine
    55   * [ djapian] A full-text search integration with Django using Xapian
     57  * [ django-lightsearch] - A modest searching application for Django
     58  * [ django-sphinx] - A full-text search integration with Django using the Sphinx engine
     59  * [ djapian] - A full-text search integration with Django using Xapian
    5660  * [ django-search-with-lucene] - Django search with Lucene is Tightly integrated the Lucene in Django, so use search content using django model filtering expressions.
    5761  * [ haystack] - Modular search for Django.
    8084  * [] - a blog engine leveraging reusable Django apps for all its features.
    8185 * Aggregation, RSS, feeds, lifestreams
    82   * [ django-simpleaggregation] A component which allows for (simplistic) aggregation of data about Django models.
    83   * [ django-lifestream] A generic application for the Django framework that lets you combine multiple RSS and Atom feeds into one lifestream-style page.
     86  * [ django-simpleaggregation] - A component which allows for (simplistic) aggregation of data about Django models.
     87  * [ django-lifestream] - A generic application for the Django framework that lets you combine multiple RSS and Atom feeds into one lifestream-style page.
    8488  * [ django-feedclowd] – The lifestreaming application that powers
    85   * [ django-pingback] Pingback implementation for Django
     89  * [ django-pingback] - Pingback implementation for Django
    8690 * Tagging
    8791  * [ django-tagging] - A generic tagging application for Django
    9599  * [ django-treebeard] - 3 different efficient tree implementations: Adjacency List, Materialized Path and Nested Sets. They share the same API, so it’s easy to switch between them.
    96100 * Models, database, history, trails
    97   * [ DMigrate] tool to migrate Django databases easily.
    98   * [ django-mssql] An external database backend (based on ado-mssql) that allows MS SQL Server to run against Django-trunk
    99   * [ django-firebird] An external database backend (based on kinterbasdb) that allows to work with Firebird SQL DBMS
     101  * [ South] - Intelligent schema and data migrations for  Django projects
     102  * [ DMigrate] - A tool to migrate Django databases easily.
     103  * [ django-mssql] - An external database backend (based on ado-mssql) that allows MS SQL Server to run against Django-trunk
     104  * [ django-firebird] - An external database backend (based on kinterbasdb) that allows to work with Firebird SQL DBMS
    100105  * [ django-selectreverse] - Model manager to reduce SQL querycount for nested lists with reverse foreignkeys or m2m relations.
    101106  * [ django-fullhistory] - Offers an audit trail to be kept for objects being edited, even outside of the admin.
    102107  * [ django-reviews] - A generic review application for Django projects, which allows association of a number of reviews with any Model instance and makes retrieval of reviews simple.
    103108 * Task, jobs, queues, batch
    104   * [ django-cron] - Djang-Cron is a simple tool that allows you to have cron jobs for you applications. It comes with an example to delete expired sessions, and I have one for django-registration to delete expired users. Django Cron is intended to replace anything you would be adding to a bin directory in your own Django App
     109  * [ django-beanstalkd] - A convenience wrapper for beanstalkd clients and workers in Django using the beanstalkc library for Python
     110  * [ django-cron] - A simple tool that allows you to have cron jobs for you applications. It comes with an example to delete expired sessions, and I have one for django-registration to delete expired users. Django Cron is intended to replace anything you would be adding to a bin directory in your own Django App
    105111  * [ celery] - Task queue/Job Queue with Django integration.
    106112  * [ django-queue-service] - A lightweight, open-source queueing mechanism along the lines of the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
    150156  * [wiki:GoFlow] - A workflow engine for django inspired by the zope2 product Openflow
    151157  * [ django-job-board] - A simple pluggable job board for django
    152   * [ python-piwik] - Integrate piwik web analytics / tracker into django with admin integration.
     158  * [ python-piwik] - Integrate piwik web analytics / tracker into django with admin integration
    153159  * [ django-trac] - Django Hacks Trac (help django and trac working together)
    154160  * [ django-robots] - A simple application for Django to manage robots exclusion files (robots.txt) via admin interface
    155   * [ django-webproxy] - A reverse proxy app in django.
    156   * [ django-portlets] - Generic portlets for Django.
    157   * [ django-workflows] - Generic workflow engine for Django.
     161  * [ django-webproxy] - A reverse proxy app in django
     162  * [ django-portlets] - Generic portlets for Django
     163  * [ django-workflows] - Generic workflow engine for Django
    158164  * [ django-reviews] - Generic reviews for Django
    159   * [ django-resources] - CSS and Javascript management for Django.
     165  * [ django-resources] - CSS and Javascript management for Django
     166  * [ webassets/django-assets] - Asset management: compiling LESS/SASS/CleverCSS/etc., combining&minifying CSS and Javascript.
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