Changes between Version 229 and Version 230 of DjangoResources

Apr 21, 2010, 1:55:58 AM (15 years ago)
Philippe Ombredanne

Adding a little bit of categorization, like I would have liked it on first visit


  • TabularUnified DjangoResources

    v229 v230  
    3131  * [ django-openid-auth]
    3232  * See a short feature comparison at []
     33 * User registration, signup, authentication, security
     34  * [ django-registration] - A simple, generic user-registration application for Django
     35  * [ django-signup] - A pluggable signup application for Django
     36  * [ django-sslauth] SSL client certificate authentication and validation
     37  * [ django-cas] YaleCAS (Central Authentication Service) plugin for user authentication
     38  * [ django-http-digest] - Allows you to protect views with HTTP digest authentication.
     39  * [ django-simple-captcha] - Extremely simple, yet highly customizable Django application to add captcha images to any Django form.
     40  * [ django-ldapdb] - Allows you to access LDAP entries through Django Models.
    3341 * Search
    3442  * [ django-sphinx] A full-text search integration with Django using the Sphinx engine
    5058  * [ django-forum] - A lightweight Forum application that plugs straight into your existing Django project.
    5159  * [ comments] A comment application to allow users top post comment on your website. Inspired by freecomments.
    52  * Hierarchy structures in the database
    53   * [ Django MPTT] - Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (MPTT) with your Django Model classes and working with trees of Model instances.
    54   * [ django-treebeard] - 3 different efficient tree implementations: Adjacency List, Materialized Path and Nested Sets. They share the same API, so it’s easy to switch between them.
    5560 * Blog apps
    5661  * [ django-diario] - A pluggable weblog application for Django Web Framework.
    5762  * [ Blogmaker] -A full-featured, production-quality blogging application with support for trackback, ping and comment honeypots
    5863  * [ Byteflow] - Extensible Blog Engine with many features and a clean codebase.
    59  * AutoCompleteSolutions - links to several solutions for integrating !JavaScript auto-complete fields
    60  * [ django-forms-builder] - Allows non-technical users to create website forms containing arbitrary sets of fields for data capture
    61  * [ django-email-extras] - Provides the ability to send PGP encrypted email and allows non-technical users to manage PGP keys via the Django admin interface, as well as the ability to use the Django templating system to create multi-part emails
    62  * [ django-dbtemplates] - A Template loader for database stored templates with an extensible cache backend
    63  * [ django-mobileadmin] - The Django admin interface optimized for iPhone/iPod touch
    64  * [ django-registration] - A simple, generic user-registration application for Django
    65  * [ django-signup] - A pluggable signup application for Django
    66  * [ django-robots] - A simple application for Django to manage robots exclusion files (robots.txt) via admin interface
    67  * [ django-tagging] - A generic tagging application for Django
    68  * [ django-voting] - A generic voting application for Django
    69  * [ django-flags] - An internationalization helper for django
    70  * [ django-job-board] - A simple pluggable job board for django
    71  * [ django-graphviz] - Django + Graphiz
    72  * [ django-trac] - Django Hacks Trac (help django and trac working together)
    73  * [wiki:GoFlow] - A workflow engine for django inspired by the zope2 product Openflow
    74  * [wiki:django-gmap django-googlemap] - get your site !GoogleMaps-enabled (in development)
    75  * [ Zope3 Page Templates] - Makes Zope3 Page Templates available to Django sites.
    76  * [ SimpleTAL Templates] - Makes SimpleTAL Page Templates available to Django sites.
    77  * [ django-xmlrpc] - a means by which a Django developer can expose their views (or indeed any other function) using XML-RPC.
    78  * [ DMigrate] tool to migrate Django databases easily.
    79  * [ django-simpleaggregation] A component which allows for (simplistic) aggregation of data about Django models.
    80  * [ django-lifestream] A generic application for the Django framework that lets you combine multiple RSS and Atom feeds into one lifestream-style page.
    81  * [ django-sslauth] SSL client certificate authentication and validation
    82  * [ django-cas] YaleCAS (Central Authentication Service) plugin for user authentication
    83  * [ django-event-calendar] A event calendar application component
    84  * [ kss.django] A django application for integration of AJAX with [ KSS].
    85  * [ django-photologue] A Django application for uploading, resizing, organizing, grouping, relating and displaying photographs and image galleries.
    86  * [ django-imagekit] Add "Photologue-style" image processing (resizing, effects, etc.) to your models in a simple, unobtrusive way.
    87  * [ django-mssql] An external database backend (based on ado-mssql) that allows MS SQL Server to run against Django-trunk
    88  * [ django-pingback] Pingback implementation for Django
    89  * [ django-dynamic-media-serve] - Django Dynamic Media Serve is the good alternative of the default django.views.static.serve for serving the media files in Django.
    90  * [ django-cron] - Djang-Cron is a simple tool that allows you to have cron jobs for you applications. It comes with an example to delete expired sessions, and I have one for django-registration to delete expired users. Django Cron is intended to replace anything you would be adding to a bin directory in your own Django App
    91  * [ django-fleshin] - Fleshin is a pluggable photo management application for Django Web Framework.
    92  * [ celery] - Task queue/Job Queue with Django integration.
    93  * [ django-queue-service] - A lightweight, open-source queueing mechanism along the lines of the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
    94  * [ django-rosetta] - Rosetta is a Django application that eases the internationalization (i18n) process of Django projects.
    95  * [ django-graphs] - An extensible graphing engine using the Cairo graphics and FreeType libraries.
    96  * [ django-geo] – A generic, easy-to-use location-awareness application.
    97  * [ django-feedclowd] – The lifestreaming application that powers
    98  * [ django-localeurl] - Specify the page language on the URL.
    99  * [ geodjango-basic-apps] - Simple Django Apps highlighting GeoDjango integration
    100  * [ django-worldmap] - Displays your data in colorful maps like Wikipedia.
    101  * [ django-maintenancemode] - Django-maintenancemode allows you to temporary shutdown your site for maintenance work.
    102  * [ django-http-digest] - Allows you to protect views with HTTP digest authentication.
    103  * [ django-simple-captcha] - Extremely simple, yet highly customizable Django application to add captcha images to any Django form.
    104  * [ django-webproxy] - A reverse proxy app in django.
    105  * [ django-pad] - A wiki support multiusers.
    106  * [ sf-django-wiki] - A flexible and embeddable Django wiki engine.
    107  * [ django-licenses] - With django-licenses you can give every object a different content license. You can easily manage your licenses and use them in other ways too.
    108  * [ django-fullhistory] - Offers an audit trail to be kept for objects being editted, even outside of the admin.
    109  * [ django-flatemails] - Django Flatemail System to allow for manageable email templating, much like flat pages.
    110  * [ django-modeltranslation] Translate dynamic content of existing models without having to change the original model classes (using a registration approach).
    111  * [ django-reviews] - A generic review application for Django projects, which allows association of a number of reviews with any Model instance and makes retrieval of reviews simple.
    112  * [ django-ldapdb] - Allows you to access LDAP entries through Django Models.
    113  * [ python-piwik] - Integrate piwik tracker into django with admin integration.
    114  * [ django-selectreverse] - Model manager to reduce SQL querycount for nested lists with reverse foreignkeys or m2m relations.
    115  * [ django-flowplayer] - Embed multimedia in your pages with flowplayer template tags. Support for playlists, multiple player styles and configurations.
    116  * [ django-editarea] - A text editor with syntax highlighting.
     64 * Aggregation, RSS, feeds, lifestreams
     65  * [ django-simpleaggregation] A component which allows for (simplistic) aggregation of data about Django models.
     66  * [ django-lifestream] A generic application for the Django framework that lets you combine multiple RSS and Atom feeds into one lifestream-style page.
     67  * [ django-feedclowd] – The lifestreaming application that powers
     68  * [ django-pingback] Pingback implementation for Django
     69 * Tagging
     70  * [ django-tagging] - A generic tagging application for Django
     71 * Maps, geo
     72  * [ django-geo] – A generic, easy-to-use location-awareness application.
     73  * [wiki:django-gmap django-googlemap] - get your site !GoogleMaps-enabled (in development)
     74  * [ django-worldmap] - Displays your data in colorful maps like Wikipedia.
     75  * [ geodjango-basic-apps] - Simple Django Apps highlighting GeoDjango integration
     76 * Hierarchy structures in the database
     77  * [ Django MPTT] - Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (MPTT) with your Django Model classes and working with trees of Model instances.
     78  * [ django-treebeard] - 3 different efficient tree implementations: Adjacency List, Materialized Path and Nested Sets. They share the same API, so it’s easy to switch between them.
     79 * Models, database, history, trails
     80  * [ DMigrate] tool to migrate Django databases easily.
     81  * [ django-mssql] An external database backend (based on ado-mssql) that allows MS SQL Server to run against Django-trunk
     82  * [ django-selectreverse] - Model manager to reduce SQL querycount for nested lists with reverse foreignkeys or m2m relations.
     83  * [ django-fullhistory] - Offers an audit trail to be kept for objects being edited, even outside of the admin.
     84  * [ django-reviews] - A generic review application for Django projects, which allows association of a number of reviews with any Model instance and makes retrieval of reviews simple.
     85 * Task, jobs, queues, batch
     86  * [ django-cron] - Djang-Cron is a simple tool that allows you to have cron jobs for you applications. It comes with an example to delete expired sessions, and I have one for django-registration to delete expired users. Django Cron is intended to replace anything you would be adding to a bin directory in your own Django App
     87  * [ celery] - Task queue/Job Queue with Django integration.
     88  * [ django-queue-service] - A lightweight, open-source queueing mechanism along the lines of the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
     89 * Text editing, Wiki
     90  * [ django-pad] - A wiki support multiusers.
     91  * [ sf-django-wiki] - A flexible and embeddable Django wiki engine.
     92  * [ django-editarea] - A text editor with syntax highlighting.
     93 * XML-RPC, Rest, networking
     94  * [ django-xmlrpc] - a means by which a Django developer can expose their views (or indeed any other function) using XML-RPC.
     95 * Forms
     96  * AutoCompleteSolutions - links to several solutions for integrating !JavaScript auto-complete fields
     97  * [ django-forms-builder] - Allows non-technical users to create website forms containing arbitrary sets of fields for data capture
     98 * Templates
     99  * [ django-dbtemplates] - A Template loader for database stored templates with an extensible cache backend
     100  * [ Zope3 Page Templates] - Makes Zope3 Page Templates available to Django sites.
     101  * [ SimpleTAL Templates] - Makes SimpleTAL Page Templates available to Django sites.
     102 * Email integration
     103  * [ django-email-extras] - Provides the ability to send PGP encrypted email and allows non-technical users to manage PGP keys via the Django admin interface, as well as the ability to use the Django templating system to create multi-part emails
     104  * [ django-flatemails] - Django Flatemail System to allow for manageable email templating, much like flat pages.
     105 * Admin
     106  * [ django-mobileadmin] - The Django admin interface optimized for iPhone/iPod touch
     107  * [ django-maintenancemode] - Django-maintenancemode allows you to temporary shutdown your site for maintenance work.
     108 * Internationalization
     109  * [ django-flags] - An internationalization helper for django
     110  * [ django-rosetta] - Rosetta is a Django application that eases the internationalization (i18n) process of Django projects.
     111  * [ django-localeurl] - Specify the page language on the URL.
     112  * [ django-modeltranslation] Translate dynamic content of existing models without having to change the original model classes (using a registration approach).
     113 * Media, graphics, images, photos, rights management
     114  * [ django-licenses] - With django-licenses you can give every object a different content license. You can easily manage your licenses and use them in other ways too.
     115  * [ django-graphviz] - Django + Graphiz
     116  * [ django-dynamic-media-serve] - Django Dynamic Media Serve is the good alternative of the default django.views.static.serve for serving the media files in Django.
     117  * [ django-photologue] A Django application for uploading, resizing, organizing, grouping, relating and displaying photographs and image galleries.
     118  * [ django-imagekit] Add "Photologue-style" image processing (resizing, effects, etc.) to your models in a simple, unobtrusive way.
     119  * [ django-graphs] - An extensible graphing engine using the Cairo graphics and FreeType libraries.
     120  * [ django-flowplayer] - Embed multimedia in your pages with flowplayer template tags. Support for playlists, multiple player styles and configurations.
     121  * [ django-fleshin] - Fleshin is a pluggable photo management application for Django Web Framework.
     122 * Calendar
     123  * [ django-event-calendar] A event calendar application component
     124 * Ajax, CSS
     125  * [ kss.django] A django application for integration of AJAX with [ KSS].
     126 * Other applications
     127  * [ django-voting] - A generic voting application for Django
     128  * [wiki:GoFlow] - A workflow engine for django inspired by the zope2 product Openflow
     129  * [ django-job-board] - A simple pluggable job board for django
     130  * [ python-piwik] - Integrate piwik web analytics / tracker into django with admin integration.
     131  * [ django-trac] - Django Hacks Trac (help django and trac working together)
     132  * [ django-robots] - A simple application for Django to manage robots exclusion files (robots.txt) via admin interface
     133  * [ django-webproxy] - A reverse proxy app in django.
    118135== Open-Source Django projects ==
    122139 * [ Django-based projects at Google Code Hosting].
    123  * [/browser/]: See the full code and templates for the Django-powered portions of this site (e.g., everything except the ticket system). The Python code is available under the BSD license, but the templates are copyrighted by World Online and shouldn't be copied.
    124  * [ Custard/Melt]: A work-in-progress community Web app developed by Greenpeace. LGPL.
    125  * [ Zyons]: A forum/community application.
    126  * [ WorkStyle]: A "Get Things Done" to-do list management application.
    127  * [ Stockphoto]: A simple photo gallery by Jason !McBrayer.
    128  * [ Feedjack]: A planet/feed aggregator by Gustavo Picón. Sample sites: [], [], [].
    129  * [ FFSomething]: A suite for managing open wireless mesh networks
    130  * [ BookMaker]: An open-source Web application for managing small parimutuel betting pools ([ Browse source]).
    131  * [ RISE Project (Resources and Information for Success in Education)]: A project to manage and publish academic catalog information, including programs, courses, and schedules. BSD.
    132  * [ IP-to-country application]: Allows you to get the country flag of comments.
    133  * [ notmm]: Multi-purpose and portable web toolkit for Django (Apache License Version 2.0/BSD-style License.)
    134  * [ FileBrowser] - An extension to the Django admin interface.
    135  * [ tracregator] - a Django app which collects tickets from multiple [ trac] sites into one page
    136  * [ Blog] - weblog, portfolio, cv
    137  * [ Sphene Community Tools] - (SCT) board and wiki applications which can be easily integrated into custom django projects. BSD.
    138  * [ djazz] - Application and Utilitiy Collection.
    139  * [] - Nagios Configuration tool written in Django.
    140  * [ Satchmo] - the Django e-commerce project. (shopping cart)
    141  * [ Babik] - A django based [ MPD] client
    142  * [ bcfg2 Dynamic Reports] - bcfg2 provides a Reporting Facility based on Django (bcfg2 is a configuration management system like cfengine)
    143  * [ Evennia] - A feature-liberal MUD server based on Django and Twisted. Heavy web integration, easily scriptable/extendable in Python.
    144  * [] - Share media file with small team or family.  New BSD.
    145  * [ Feedme] - Another RSS feed aggregator, aimed more for personal use than Feedjack.
    146  * [ frePPLe] An open source framework for production planning applications, with a Django user interface.
    147  * [ Sleepy Django] Build static websites from Django templates.
    148  * [ Django Fileman] - web based files manager. (using jQuery)
    149  * [ Klisha] - an open-source and standards-compliant photoblog application for the web.
    150  * [  WikiCube] - 一个类似于 的站点,适用于小组或者个人做独立的wiki应用.
    151  * [ Tmitter] - a simple mobile mini blog likes [ Twitter],[ Source code].
    152  * [ Voter Universe] - Django based voter file analysis and interaction management application for progressive political campaigns and organizations released under AGPL v3.
    153  * [ GestorPSI] - A complete open source system for manage psychology clinics as well school clinics.
    154  * [ OSQA] - A question & answer system similar to [ StackOverflow], based on [ CNPROG].
     140 * Community applications, wiki
     141  * [/browser/]: See the full code and templates for the Django-powered portions of this site (e.g., everything except the ticket system). The Python code is available under the BSD license, but the templates are copyrighted by World Online and shouldn't be copied.
     142  * [ Custard/Melt]: A work-in-progress community Web app developed by Greenpeace. LGPL.
     143  * [ Zyons]: A forum/community application.
     144  * [ Sphene Community Tools] - (SCT) board and wiki applications which can be easily integrated into custom django projects. BSD.
     145  * [  WikiCube] - 一个类似于 的站点,适用于小组或者个人做独立的wiki应用.
     146  * [ OSQA] - A question & answer system similar to [ StackOverflow], based on [ CNPROG].
     147 * Photo gallery, photo blog, media, music
     148  * [ Stockphoto]: A simple photo gallery by Jason !McBrayer.
     149  * [ Babik] - A django based [ MPD] client
     150  * [] - Share media file with small team or family.  New BSD.
     151  * [ Klisha] - an open-source and standards-compliant photoblog application for the web.
     152 * Blog, RSS, feeds, aggregation, lifestream, website
     153  * [ Tmitter] - a simple mobile mini blog likes [ Twitter],[ Source code].
     154  * [ Feedjack]: A planet/feed aggregator by Gustavo Picón. Sample sites: [], [], [].
     155  * [ Blog] - weblog, portfolio, cv
     156  * [ Feedme] - Another RSS feed aggregator, aimed more for personal use than Feedjack.
     157  * [ Sleepy Django] Build static websites from Django templates.
     158 * Geo, Maps, localisation
     159  * [ IP-to-country application]: Allows you to get the country flag of comments.
     160 * Utilities, tools, admin, file management
     161  * [ Django Fileman] - web based files manager. (using jQuery)
     162  * [ notmm]: Multi-purpose and portable web toolkit for Django (Apache License Version 2.0/BSD-style License.)
     163  * [ FileBrowser] - An extension to the Django admin interface.
     164  * [ djazz] - Application and Utilitiy Collection.
     165  * [ Djangoutils]: Miscellaneous Django utilities.
     166 * Tracker, ticket integration
     167  * [ tracregator] - a Django app which collects tickets from multiple [ trac] sites into one page
     168 * System management, networking, monitoring
     169  * [] - Nagios Configuration tool written in Django.
     170  * [ bcfg2 Dynamic Reports] - bcfg2 provides a Reporting Facility based on Django (bcfg2 is a configuration management system like cfengine)
     171 * e-commerce, shopping cart
     172  * [ Satchmo] - the Django e-commerce project. (shopping cart)
     173 * gaming, games
     174  * [ Evennia] - A feature-liberal MUD server based on Django and Twisted. Heavy web integration, easily scriptable/extendable in Python.
     175 * Topic-specific, business apps, time management, ...
     176  * [ WorkStyle]: A "Get Things Done" to-do list management application.
     177  * [ FFSomething]: A suite for managing open wireless mesh networks
     178  * [ BookMaker]: An open-source Web application for managing small parimutuel betting pools ([ Browse source]).
     179  * [ RISE Project (Resources and Information for Success in Education)]: A project to manage and publish academic catalog information, including programs, courses, and schedules. BSD.
     180  * [ frePPLe] An open source framework for production planning applications, with a Django user interface.
     181  * [ Voter Universe] - Django based voter file analysis and interaction management application for progressive political campaigns and organizations released under AGPL v3.
     182  * [ GestorPSI] - A complete open source system for manage psychology clinics as well school clinics.
    156184== General ==
    172200 * [wiki:DeveloperDocs Developer Documentation]: Documentation about the internals of Django.
    173201 * [wiki:ContributedMiddleware User-contributed middleware]
    174  * [ Djangoutils]: Miscellaneous Django utilities.
    175202 * [wiki:InitialSQLDataDiangoORMWay Initial SQL data using Django ORM]: How to do it.
    176203 * [wiki:AlterModelOnSyncDB Alter Model's Storage]: Automatically changing a table to suit your app & database.
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