Changes between Version 12 and Version 13 of DjangoResources

Mar 14, 2007, 4:27:44 PM (18 years ago)
Simon G. <dev@…>



  • TabularUnified DjangoResources

    v12 v13  
    132132== Tutorials on the Web ==
    134  * [ Django Blog: Notifying about new comments by email]
    135  * [ Django cheat sheet]
    136  * [ Extending Django's database API to include full-text search]
    137  * [ WordPress Clone in 27 Seconds]
    138  * [ Are you generic?]
    139  * [ Sending E-Mails via Templates]
    140  * [ Django admin for your PHP app?]
    141  * [ Hacking FreeComment]
    142  * [ The difference between blank and null]
    143  * [ Using Django’s TemplateTags]
    144  * [ A Django website that took (a lot) more than 20 minutes]
    145  * [ Forms With Multiple Inline Objects]
    146  * [ Extending Generic Views]
    147  * [ Template context processors]
    148  * [ Custom SQL In Django]
    149  * [ How Django processes a request]
    150  * [ Write better template tags]
    151  * [ Extending the User model]
    152  * [ Django’s Undocumented contenttype app]
    153  * [ Django, gzip and WSGI]
    154  * [ Django for non-programmers]
    155  * [ Django Templates: The Power of Inheritance]
    156  * [ Django Templates: An Introduction]
    157  * [ Setting up Django on Dreamhost]
    158  * [ Django on Windows HOWTO]
    159  * [ Django Admin Hack - Fields varying with user permissions]
    160  * [ Some django gotchas]
    161  * [ Django Templates are not limited]
    162  * [ Develop for the Web with Django and Python]
    163  * [ An AJAX Select Widget for Django]
    164  * [ Using Django’s Free Comments]
    165  * [ RSS made stupidly simple]
    166  * [ Installing Django on OSX]
    167  * [ Blog mit Django: German Weblog-Tutorial]
     134 * [wiki:Tutorials A list of Django tutorials]
    169136== Presentations ==
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