Changes between Version 109 and Version 110 of DjangoResources

Apr 28, 2008, 6:16:58 PM (17 years ago)
Piotr Lewandowski <django@…>

Removing dead links and fixing some redirects


  • TabularUnified DjangoResources

    v109 v110  
    2626 * [ snapboard] - Python Forum/Bulletin-Board for Django
    2727 * [ Zope3 Page Templates] - Makes Zope3 Page Templates available to Django sites.
    28  * [ SimpleTAL Templates] - Makes SimpleTAL Page Templates available to Django sites.
     28 * [ SimpleTAL Templates] - Makes SimpleTAL Page Templates available to Django sites.
    2929 * [ Sphene Community Tools] - (SCT) django forum (bulletin board) and wiki applications which can be easily integrated into custom django projects. BSD.
    3030 * [ django-xmlrpc] - a means by which a Django developer can expose their views (or indeed any other function) using XML-RPC.
    4343 * [ django-page-cms] A simple multilingual paged cms for Django
    4444 * [ django-mssql] An external database backend (based on ado-mssql) that allows MS SQL Server to run against Django-trunk
    45  * [ Blogmaker] A full-featured, production-quality blogging application with support for trackback, ping and comment honeypots
     45 * [ Blogmaker] A full-featured, production-quality blogging application with support for trackback, ping and comment honeypots
    4646 * [ django-pingback] Pingback implementation for Django
    4747 * [ Django MPTT] - Utilities for implementing Modified Preorder Tree Traversal (MPTT) with your Django Model classes and working with trees of Model instances.
    5151 * [ django-queue-service] - A lightweight, open-source queueing mechanism along the lines of the Amazon Simple Queue Service.
    5252 * [ django-forum] - A lightweight Forum application that plugs straight into your existing Django project.
    53  * [ django-rosetta] - Rosetta is a Django application that eases the internationalization (i18n) process of Django projects.
     53 * [ django-rosetta] - Rosetta is a Django application that eases the internationalization (i18n) process of Django projects.
    5454 * [ django-graphs] - An extensible graphing engine using the Cairo graphics and FreeType libraries.
    5555 * [ django-geo] – A generic, easy-to-use location-awareness application.
    6464 * [ Diamanda Wiki and MyghtyBoard Forum]: A wiki and forum. GPL.
    6565 * [ Custard/Melt]: A work-in-progress community Web app developed by Greenpeace. LGPL.
    66  * [ A simple CMS by Georg Bauer]. (Powers the site [].)
    67  * [ An IRC logger by Georg Bauer]. (Powers the [ Django IRC logs].)
    6866 * [ Zyons]: A forum/community application.
    6967 * [ WorkStyle]: A "Get Things Done" to-do list management application.
    70  * [ Stockphoto]: A simple photo gallery by Jason !McBrayer.
     68 * [ Stockphoto]: A simple photo gallery by Jason !McBrayer.
    7169 * [ Feedjack]: A planet/feed aggregator by Gustavo Picón. Sample sites: [], [], [].
    7270 * [ FFSomething]: A suite for managing open wireless mesh networks
    10098 * DocumentationSuggestions: A place to put docs that you wish ''you'' could have found while learning
    10199 * [wiki:DosAndDontsForApplicationWriters Do's and Dont's for application writers]: how to make an application that is easy to distribute
    102  * [wiki:MindmapCheatsheetForGenericViewsAPI Mindmap Cheat Sheet for the Generic Views API] as described in [ The Django Book (chapter 9)].
     100 * [wiki:MindmapCheatsheetForGenericViewsAPI Mindmap Cheat Sheet for the Generic Views API] as described in [ The Django Book (chapter 9)].
    103101 * FormField documentation for Manipulators
    104102 * ExtendedUserModel: How to extend the auth systems's User class to contain extra data. (Warning: kludge!)
    122120 * [wiki:SetupOnTiger Setup on Mac OS X Tiger]: Includes installing python 2.4 (which isn't required), the latest version of postgresql, and psycopg.
    123121 * [wiki:WindowsInstall] - install django on Windows in 5 minutes (using sqlite and the internal webserver)
    124  * [ Django, lighttpd and FastCGI]: A book-like documentation about running django with Lighttpd
     122 * [ Django, lighttpd and FastCGI]: A book-like documentation about running django with Lighttpd
    125123 * [wiki:MovablePythonInstall] - install Django on a USB stick using Movable Python
    126124 * [wiki:DjangoOnAStick] - Install Django on a USB stick.
    152150 * [ Zope3 Page Templates for Django] – Add-on allowing to use ZPT in Django
    153151 * [ticket:2440 PHP template loader] - Integrate Django templates into an existing PHP based site
    154  * [ Cheetah template for django]: Generic views + cheetah's admin functions. Contact  (BROKEN LINK)
    155  * [ SimpleTAL Templates] - Makes SimpleTAL Page Templates available to Django sites as a templating language
     152 * [ SimpleTAL Templates] - Makes SimpleTAL Page Templates available to Django sites as a templating language
    156153 * [] - Intergrate mako and genshi with django
    210207 * [ Jarosław Zabiełło Blog]: Various Django tips and tutorials [Polish]
    211208 * [ Biblioteka Pythona]: Polish documentation and examples  [Polish]
    212  * [ French translation of Django documentation]
     209 * [ French translation of Django documentation]
    213210 * [ Django-fr] : French community and documentation.
    214211 * [ Django-de] : German Django community and documentation.
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