Changes between Version 365 and Version 366 of DjangoPoweredSites

Jul 21, 2007, 5:50:08 PM (18 years ago)
Adrian Holovaty

Some formatting tweaks, and added some other sites I know of


  • DjangoPoweredSites

    v365 v366  
    33This page lists sites on the public Web that are powered by Django.
    5 Django-powered sites can also be found at [].
     5See also: [].
    77[[PageOutline(2,Site categories,pullout)]]
    3333 * [ Faces of the Fallen] - Database of U.S. casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    3434 * [ Election 2006 Key Races] - Key U.S. House, Senate and Governor races in the 2006 elections.
     35 * [] - News for Loudoun County, Virginia.
    3536 * [ Post 200] - Annual lists of largest companies in Washington, D.C., area.
    3637 * [ Occupational Employment] - Browse wage and occupation information for job categories nationwide.
    8384== Other sites in the mainstream media ==
    8486 * [ The Big Art Mob] - The UK’s first comprehensive survey of Public Art.
    8587 * [ The Montel Show] - The official website of the Montel Williams show.
    98100 * [ OPB News] - Oregon Public Broadcasting news site.
    99101 * [ The Daily Swarm] - News for the new business of music.
    100  * [ Seymour Herald] - Local News and Media from Seymour TN
    101 == Community-Building Web Sites ==
     102 * [ Seymour Herald] - Local News and Media from Seymour, Tenn.
     103 * [ hawkchalk] - Free classifieds for students at The University of Kansas.
     104 * [ Kansan Trivia] - Trivia game about KU for KU students to win cool prizes.
     105 * [ Tennessee Journalist] - The news website for the School of Journalism and Electronic Media at the University of Tennessee.  The site is running on a locally designed Django based cms that is dubbed Satchmo.
     106 * [ Loudoun Times].
     108== Community-building Web sites ==
    102110 * [ Allied Airsoft Team Brifox] - Canary Islands AATB Airsoft team
    103111 * [ Amisphere Online Community] - French speaking online community
    107115 * [ ASME Robotics at UCLA] - Website for management of a robotics student group community.
    108116 * [ Dogster.Ru] - Dog's Portal
    109  * [] - Platform to collect Django related infos, links, projects. A multiuser Blog for discussion about Django (based on digest and woodlog by Limodou - Creative Common License).
     117 * [] - Platform to collect Django related info, links, projects. A multiuser blog for discussion about Django (based on digest and woodlog by Limodou - Creative Common License).
    110118 * [] - Run python from USB stick (Django included). Python based portable development environment.
    111119 * [] - Site for sharing useful snippets of Django-related code.
    120128 * [ Arkayne] - Content driven blog search engine, works by finding releated blogs
    122 == University Daily Kansan sites ==
    123  * [ hawkchalk] - Free classifieds for students at The University of Kansas.
    124  * [ Kansan Trivia] - Trivia game about KU for KU students to win cool prizes.
    126 == University of Tennessee ==
    127  * [ Tennessee Journalist] - The news website for the School of Journalism and Electronic Media at the University of Tennessee.  The site is running on a locally designed Django based cms that is dubbed Satchmo.
    129130== Professional sites (not media) ==
     132=== -0-9- ===
    131133 * [ 1stoplegalshop] - Personal injury claims site.
    132134 * [ 99 mobiles] - UK based mobile contracts price comparison site
    133136=== -A- ===
    134137 * [ A Palo Seco] - Le site Français du Flamenco
    147150 * [ Australian Screen] - A directory of Australian film and TV productions from the last 110 years - with video clips.
    148151 * [] - A spanish news site.
    149153=== -B- ===
    150154 * [ Bamboo Banks] - A Wildlife resort in South India.
    408412=== -Z- ===
    410 == .edu Sites ==
    411  * [ Greenfield Community College Course Catalog and Schedule] - Catalog and Schedule are full-on Django while, for now, the other stuff is mostly static with some helpful Django filters to do things like turn "BIO 101" into a link.
    412  * [ ZSB Chorzow - Local high school website] - Polish local high school website.
    414 == Educational Sites ==
     414== Educational sites ==
    416416 * [ MIT Educational Studies Program] - A student group of MIT that teaches area middle- and high-school students.
    424424 * [] Research interface to 15000 objects and 24000 related keywords of the university collections of [ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin] (Germany).
    425425 * [ History of Science Digitized Images] Browse over 10,000 images digitized from works held in the History of Science Collections at the University of Oklahoma (USA).
     426 * [ Greenfield Community College Course Catalog and Schedule] - Catalog and Schedule are full-on Django while, for now, the other stuff is mostly static with some helpful Django filters to do things like turn "BIO 101" into a link.
     427 * [ ZSB Chorzow - Local high school website] - Polish local high school website.
    427429== Social networking ==
    462464== Personal sites / weblogs ==
     466=== -0-9- ===
    463467 * [ 23 Excuses] - Personal blog of Andrew Gwozdziewycz
    708712 * [ klinktprima] - Dutch site where deaf and hard-of-hearing people can share their positive job experience.
    709713 * [] - Austrians parliament for children - An styrian NGO for children and politics - german only.
    710715=== -L- ===
    711716 * [ labelr] - A solution to's lack of category problem.
    775780== User groups ==
    776782 * [ Django et compagnie au Japon] - Japanese Django Community.
    777783 * [ Linux in Boise Club] - Linux in Boise Club
    780786 * [] - Ottawa Canada Linux Users Group.
    782 == Online Games ==
     788== Online games ==
    783790 * [] - An on-line Murder Mystery Dinner Party you can participate in.
    784791 * [ Mythiria: The Endless Battle] - Train, capture and trade creatures to battle against other villages in order to become the strongest.
    788795 * [ flyaflya games] - Casual games download
    790 == Open Source ==
     797== Open source ==
    791799 * [ Software Freedom Law Center] - Pro-bono legal services for free and open source software projects
    792800 * [ Hardware 4 Linux] - Lookup and report the compatibility status of hardware under Linux
    795803== International ==
    796805 * [ Cervotoc] - Manufacturer of interesting garden games.
    797806 * [ Concello de Cospeito: Galicia - Spain]  - City council of Cospeito, Galicia, Spain.
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