Changes between Version 342 and Version 343 of DjangoPoweredSites

Jul 1, 2007, 2:17:59 PM (18 years ago)

Killed trailing whitespace.


  • TabularUnified DjangoPoweredSites

    v342 v343  
    134134 * [ Advertisement Catalog] - A Catalog on Interactive Marketing Advertisements
    135135 * [] - The largest (13K+ GIFs) collection of Free Animations on the internet. With 15,000 Unique Visitors and ~70K Page Views per day.
    136  * [ Africa Uncovered] - Africa Uncovered specializes in tailor made Safaris to Southern and East Africa. 
     136 * [ Africa Uncovered] - Africa Uncovered specializes in tailor made Safaris to Southern and East Africa.
    137137 * [ AWWCA] - Ainslie Wood/Westdale Community Association of Resident Homeowners Inc.
    138138 * [ Angielski z Anglikiem] - Polish site. School of English.
    147147=== -B- ===
    148148 * [ Bamboo Banks] - A Wildlife resort in South India.
    149  * [] - Discount shopping mall. The latest store deals, coupons & rebates all in one spot. 
     149 * [] - Discount shopping mall. The latest store deals, coupons & rebates all in one spot.
    150150 * [ Barritt's Garage] - Website for an American car importer in Denmark.
    151151 * [ Bookya] - Book selling site for students (German)
    194194=== -E- ===
    195195 * [] - Curriculum Vitae / CV online builder
    196  * [ Python Learning Website (France)] - A french website for new pythonner 
     196 * [ Python Learning Website (France)] - A french website for new pythonner
    197197 * [ eBookTribe] - eBook Graphics store
    198198 * [ Edge Architecture] - A UK architectural practice
    284284 * [ Mactactic] - An Apple product release rumor website.
    285285 * [] - Children's author Mij Kelly's web site with information about her books, articles about writing and out-of-print books.
    286  * [ Milan Direct] - Online catalogue for Modern Classic Furniture, Australia. 
     286 * [ Milan Direct] - Online catalogue for Modern Classic Furniture, Australia.
    287287 * [ MC Minerali Ceramici] - An Italian company dealing with raw materials for the ceramic industry (site by Bunker, above)
    288288 * [ Mindpicnic (en)] [ (de)] - An e-learning application for self-directed learners.
    334334=== -R- ===
    335  * [ Razzle Dazzle Events] - An Event Planner's online portfolio. 
     335 * [ Razzle Dazzle Events] - An Event Planner's online portfolio.
    336336 * [ rCache] - Online search cache/personal research repository.
    337337 * [ RCI Drums] - Social Catalogue site from the makers of RCI vistalite drum kits
    339339 * [ rightround] - Indie music site.
    340340 * [ R.K. Parochie Bedum] - Site of a local church from the Netherlands.
    341  * [ Rowandale Integrated Primary Education Steering Group] ([ darcs repository)]- A group of parents and individuals working with the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education to secure integrated primary education for their children. 
     341 * [ Rowandale Integrated Primary Education Steering Group] ([ darcs repository)]- A group of parents and individuals working with the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education to secure integrated primary education for their children.
    342342 * [ rPapers] - An easy-to-use hosting service for academic papers.
    343343 * [ Russell Hay Photography] - A website portfolio for Professional Photographer, Russell Hay
    597597 * [] - Personal webpage of Pawel J. Sawicki. General information and portfolio included. Both Polish and English versions available.
    598598 * [] - Personal website of Scott Benjamin.
    599  * [] - Personal blog of Etienne Robillard. 
     599 * [] - Personal blog of Etienne Robillard.
    600600 * [ Saya & Python] - Personal blog of Mico (in Bahasa Indonesia)
    601601 * [] - Personal blog of Alexander Clausen (German)
    720720=== -R- ===
    722  * [ Rational Fear] - Causes of death by country, sex and age group. 
     722 * [ Rational Fear] - Causes of death by country, sex and age group.
    724724=== -S- ===
    779779 * [ Concello de Touro: Galicia - Spain]  - City council of Touro, Galicia, Spain.
    780780 * [ Kennel Cordata] - Web presentation of dog breeding station.
    781  * [] - Search database of French postcodes. Available in French/English (uses Django's internationalization functionnality). 
     781 * [] - Search database of French postcodes. Available in French/English (uses Django's internationalization functionnality).
    782782 * [ Gold Coast Events] - GC Bazaar Winter Events - Fun, Fashion, and Food on the Gold Coast, Australia.
    783783 * [ Colombia] - Showcase of restaurant, fun & turism places in Colombia.
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