Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of DjangoOnWindowsWithIISAndSQLServer
- Timestamp:
- Jul 13, 2006, 12:37:47 PM (19 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v6 v7 18 18 19 19 * Install Python 20 * Install Python's Windows extensions 20 * Install Python's Windows extensions (optional) 21 21 * Install an ISAPI extension for IIS 22 22 * Install Django … … 31 31 Phew. Easy bit over with, it gets harder from here on in. 32 32 33 == Install Win32 extensions for Python ==34 These are some Windows specific extensions for Python, and they are (I think)required for the IIS driver later.33 == Install Win32 extensions for Python (Optional) == 34 These are some Windows specific extensions for Python, and they are NOT required for the IIS driver later. 35 35 36 36 Visit and download the Windows installer, run through it. … … 103 103 Now open a web browser, and visit the site. It should serve a neat page to you. 104 104 105 === Linking Django to PyISAPI ===106 Next, you must follow the readme in the PyISAPI examples\django folder (it explains where to copy two files - one goes into the Django install (One goes into python24\lib\site-packages\django-xyz-123.egg\core\handlers\). Then edit the file you just copied to lib\site-packages\http\. See where it says you should change a line? If applicable, edit it for your django.settings.module settings.105 === Linking Django to PyISAPIe === 106 Next, you must follow the readme in the PyISAPIe examples\django folder (it explains where to copy two files - one goes into the Django install (One goes into python24\lib\site-packages\django-xyz-123.egg\core\handlers\). Then edit the file you just copied to lib\site-packages\http\. See where it says you should change a line? If applicable, edit it for your django.settings.module settings. 107 107 108 108 === Serving Django with IIS === 109 You have created a new virtual folder in IIS, and added the PyISAPI extension and tweaked it to drive django sites.109 You have created a new virtual folder in IIS, and added the PyISAPIe extension and tweaked it to drive django sites. 110 110 There is also an addition to Django so it can be driven by PyISAPIe. 111 111 And, you can now use to create a site inside the virtual folder.