Version 32 (modified by Nicola Larosa, 17 years ago) ( diff )

Renamed django-command-extensions to django-extensions

Converting Django models into Graphviz DOT files

Inspired by this nice hack by Matt Biddulph, this is a Python script that generates a Graphviz DOT file for quick visualizations of Django model definitions.

Source code

View online or download from Subversion repository (you could also set it as a svn:external on your repository to keep up to date with the latest revisons.)


svn co svn:// modelviz


MC Minerali Ceramici

mincer example


Once you use this python script to generate the dot file (, ensure you have dot installed (part of Graphviz), and issue:

dot -Tpng -o app.png

Other References

You might also be interested in this Django app by Andrew Barilla from which I borrowed some ideas, that displays the graphviz results directly from the web.

Django-extensions (formerly named Django-command-extensions) already provides a command to visualize your models. Using an improved version of the modelviz script. It also includes/supports grouping of your Django applications. Which will group all models of a single app together. This makes larger projects much easier and clearer to view.


 # download django-extensions and include it in your app.
 $ ./ graph_models -a -g -o my_project.png


Please direct all feedback to Antonio Cavedoni.

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