Version 2 (modified by 17 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
You can run Django on PyPy, and it appears to be running reasonably well. By Django version 1.0 the current issues should have been resolved. For now you can get a project like Pinax from Django Hotclub up and running with a bit of extra work.
Check out PyPy
svn co pypy-dist
For Mac: Install Developer Tools Install MacPorts Install libffi
Build pypy-c
Magic translation command (example): ./ --thread --gc=hybrid targetpypystandalone --faassen --allworkingmodules --oldstyle
Check out Django
Do a subversion checkout of django trunk. Or get version 1.0 that has the signals speedup (ticket 6814) Or if ticket 6814 is not in yet, apply patch ticket 6857 (
Python 2.4
Django only requires Python 2.3. But, be aware that many popular django applications depend on Python 2.5 runtime lib.
- elementtree (from xml.etree import cElementTree as ElementTree) python-openid yadis gdata
- hashlib python-openid gravatar
Make a link to pypy-c in /usr/shared/bin
pypy-c ./ runserver --noreload