Changes between Version 263 and Version 264 of DevelopersForHire

Oct 9, 2007, 3:19:39 PM (17 years ago)

sorted developers by region


  • TabularUnified DevelopersForHire

    v263 v264  
    99Looking for work writing Django apps? Post your name below, so savvy companies who are looking for Django developers can get in touch.
     11Note that this list is split into regions for convenience only; a given developer may be willing to work remotely or relocate.
     13== Argentina ==
     15 * '''[ EyeFlux Web Design]''': Based on Buenos Aires, Argentina. Experienced group of Web developers and designers. Python, Django, RoR, MySQL, Postgresql, CSS, XML and other Open-source technologies. 10 years in the business; hosting services included.
     17== Australia ==
    1119 * '''[ Will Hardy]''' - Young Australian sofware engineer living in Berlin, Germany. Main skills are usability, accessibility, standards and design (not graphic design). Python/Django-oriented, of course. Looking for short term contract (5 months) before I return to study in Australia, before coming back to Berlin in 2008-9 to work permanently. ''2007-10-07''
     21 * '''Malcolm Tredinnick''' Located in Sydney, Australia. Python, Django, most popular databases, web technologies. Available for contracts of any length. Contact: malcolm at pointy-stick dot com. [ Resume available.]
     23== Brazil ==
     25 * '''João Marcus''' Curitiba/Brazil. Python programmer looking for a Django/Python job! Fluent AJAX (jQuery, YUI, etc.) and experience with Django [ At my last job].
     27== Canada ==
     29 * '''Dave Sullivan''' Freelance web developer from Toronto, Canada. Services include Python/Django development, web 2.0 design, server and network setup and maintenance. Email: dave at lophyte dot com. ''09/26/2007''
     31 * '''Myles Braithwaite''' Django Developer in Toronto, Ontario. Email: myles at monkeyinyoursoul dot com.
     33 * '''John Champaign''' Toronto based software engineer with application (Java) and web (Python & Django) development experience. Email: john.champaign at gmail dot com. See my homepage at [ Homepage].  Happy to travel, learn new technologies or mentor junior developers.
     35== Chile ==
     37 * '''Mario Gonzalez''' Django Developer in Concepcion, Chile, South america. Email: gonzalemario at gmail dot com.
     39== China ==
     41 * '''[ yaean design]''' Shanghai, China based company producing sites that are beautiful on the inside and the outside. Contact info at yaean dot com or []
     43== Czech Republic ==
     45 * '''[ Lorenzo Bolognini]''': Django web developer based in Prague, Czech Republic. Python, PostgreSQL, Ajax/Javascript (jQuery). Fluent in English and Italian mother-tongue: lbolognini at gmail dot com.
     47== Denmark ==
     49 * '''[ iola]''': Small and friendly software company in Denmark mastering Django!
     51== France ==
     53 * '''Jonathan Schemoul''' Web application and marketing project manager (and software engineer) in Paris, France. Email: jonathan dot schemoul at gmail dot com. See my [ website].
     55== Germany ==
     57 * '''[ Andreas Marr]''' Location: Berlin,Germany - spoken Languages: German/English(/French if must be) -  Languages+Technologies ;) : Python/PHP/C/Erlang..., (x)HTML/Javascript/CSS (+Ajax), Gentoo/SuSE/Linux general, SQL/PLSQL , Postgresql/Mysql/Oracle - consulting, development,administration. Contact: viadjangojobboard at
     59 * '''[ Tschitschereengreen]''' We are focussing on rapid development of web portals and are a service provider for VC- and Business Angel financed Ventures and StartUps. We are working concurrently with Symfony, Ruby on Rails und Django depending on the requirements. Contact: info AT | Dresden, Germany
     61== India ==
     63 * '''[ Pradeep Gowda]''' Bangalore, India based Software engineer. Python,Django,Zope/Plone and Database dev. experience. Contact: pradeep.gowda at gmail dot com
     65 * '''Vijay Bhaskar Rayudu''' Bangalore, India based Software engineer. Python,Django,Zope/Plone and Database dev. experience. Contact:
     67== Italy ==
     69 * '''[ Andrea Peltrin]''': freelance web designer located in Italy. Clean designs, fluent XHTML+CSS coding, tableless layouts, AJAX (with Jquery), previous experience with the Django framework. [ Contact and portfolio site].
     71 * '''Joe Pellizzer''' Located in Vicenza, Italy. Python-Django and database development, (HTML, CSS, RSS, XML, ZOPE, PLONE, etc.). Web appilcation development for over 6+ years designed for industry. Available by contract in either area. Contact Email [ info at]
     73== Netherlands ==
     75 * '''[ Matthias Pronk]''': Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Looking for freelance gigs related to Django, Python, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Linux, OS X, BSD.
     77== Poland ==
     79 * '''Damian Pawlowski''' Python + Django, PHP, Java, MySQL, PostgreSQL, XHTML, CSS, AJAX. Developer from Poland. Email: profes82 at gmail dot com.
     81 * '''[ Zenzire]''' We develop complex custom software for clients throughout the world. We handle all aspects of  software project - research, specification, design, implementation, testing and integration. Contact: info AT | Krakow, Poland
     83 * '''Wojciech Sobczak''' (vbert) Python + Django, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, VB, VBA. Web developer from Poland. Now I build new site of firm in Django. Email: wsobczak at gmail dot com.
     85 * '''[ Leta Korporejszyn]''': We are small polish company. Our goal is to design aesthetic, beautiful and functional web sites. We use CSS, Flash + Actionscript, Django.  leta  dot  korp  at  gmail  dot  com
     87 * '''Lukasz Lebiedzinski''' C++, Java, ASP.NET, MSSQL, MySQL, XHTML, CSS. Database developer experienced in MSSQL. Developer from Poland. Contact: anduin at gazeta dot com.
     89== Russia ==
     91 * '''[ Michael Samoylov]''' Web applications (python), AJAX, SQL. Skilled software engineer from Russian Federation. Email: michael.samoylov at
     93== Ukraine ==
     95 * '''[ Andrey Khavryuchenko]'''  Kyiv, Ukraine.  Delivering django apps starting from 0.91.  Contact at akhavr at gmail dot com or at [ my blog] (15 Sep 2007)
     97== United Kingdom ==
     99 * '''Leon Harris''' Python Django Plone Zope ASP Rails Flash(actionsctipt)development + High quality web design + hosting + custom skin design for Plone, Django . Based in London UK.   Email: leon at pukkapeople dot com. [ ]
     101 * '''Jason Davies''' Expert Web developer located in Cambridge, UK.  Recently graduated in Computer Science at Cambridge University.  []
     103 * '''Rachel Willmer''' C, Python, database, networking developer located in Edinburgh, Scotland: Contact rachel at hobthross dot com; []
     105 * '''[ Staplefish]''': Isle of Man, UK.  Small web development company with big ideas.  Experienced with many technologies including Django, PHP, MySQL, Postgresql.  We focus on simple, maintainable and cost-effective solutions.
     107 * '''Silvio Di Stefano''' London, UK. Python + Django, RoR, MySQL, Postgres, Linux server admin. From PHP to Django, 6 years of experience. Contact sdistefano at gmail dot com
     109 * '''Allan Brisbane''' London, UK. Specialising in Django development, 8 years web/application development experience. (Python, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Apache, CSS, XML, web services, etc.). Contact allan dot brisbane at gmail dot com
     111 * '''Les Smithson''' Python/C/C++/Django/Apache/mod_python/Zope contract developer. London, UK based. cv at []. Last updated: August 2007.
     113== United States ==
     115=== California ===
     117 * '''Eric Walstad''' Python and database developer located in San Francisco: eric at ericwalstad dot com; []
     119 * '''[ digital-telepathy]''' We are a San Diego, California based shop that strategizes and develops web apps.  Django is our framework of choice, however we build projects with a wide range of tools. Contact: info at digital-telepathy dot com or go to []
     121=== Northeast US ===
     123 * '''Owen Griffiths''' Python, C/C++, PHP, and Database Developer specializing in web applications. Located in New York. Contact: owen at idemal dot com.
     125 * '''[ Wolfram Kriesing]''' New York/USA, actually Munich/Germany based, looking for a job at the US east coast, preferred New York: Languages: German/English/Spanish - Technologies: Django, Dojo, JavaScript, MySQL, CSS, and all that is required - hacking, consulting, project management, Contact: wolfram at kriesing dot de
     127 * '''[ Piermont Web Design]''' Rockland County, NY based small firm doing Django-powered web development for non-profits, small businesses, and freelancers. Contact: info at piermontweb dot com.
     129=== Midwest US ===
     131 * '''Tom Zellman''' Python/Java/C/C++ developer in NE Ohio/ SE Michigan. Contact tzellman at umich dot edu; [ FeedNut].
     133 * '''[ John Melesky]''' Chicago, IL, US. Working on web apps for a decade, Django since late 2005. Available for freelance or contract. (updated 2007-09-18)
     135 * '''Doug Van Horn''' ''St. Louis, MO, USA''  I have 10+ years building web applications in shops big and small.  Java+J2EE, Oracle, Python+Django, PostgreSQL, !JavaScript+AJAX, HTML, CSS, ...  The usual suspects.  I'm available for contracts of any length.  My email address is dougvanhorn at gmail dot com.  Or visit my website at [].
     137 * '''Jerry Felix''' Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana (Cincinnati Based) web development.  Python, Django, ASP and other buzzwords.   contact jfelix at eclink. com.
     139=== Southeast US ===
     141 * '''Eric. Brown''' Python/Django developer in Tampa, FL with medical development experience, looking for contract/part time (also know XUL, JS, HTML, CSS, design, etc). pytechd /àţ\ (2007-08-07)
     143 * '''Jason F. McBrayer''' Python/C developer, web developer, Unix systems administrator, in Columbia, South Carolina.  Contact jmcbray at carcosa dot net; [ ]
     145 * '''[ Igor Guerrero]''' Miami/Florida: Linux(Ubuntu, Debian, SuSE, Fedora), Django, Ajax, XML, SQL(PostgreSQL and MySQL), C#(Mono Platform), GTK#, Gecko#. Contact: igfgt1 at gmail dot com
     147 * '''Justin Quick''' Washington, DC., Baltimore, MD. Python-Django and database development, (JS, HTML, CSS, RSS, XML, etc.). Web appilcation development for over 5 years designed for private and non-profit organizations. Available by contract in either area. Contact justquick at gmail dot com
     150== Unspecified ==
    13152 * [ Creative Quadrant] - We specialize in Django and offer a full range of design and development services from branding to dynamic website development and print.  ''10/01/2007''
    15  * '''Dave Sullivan''' Freelance web developer from Toronto, Canada. Services include Python/Django development, web 2.0 design, server and network setup and maintenance. Email: dave at lophyte dot com. ''09/26/2007''
    17154 * '''Evandro Miquelito''' Software Developer with experience in Python, Django, XHTML/CSS, PyGTK and Asterisk (among others). Email: emiquelito at gmail dot com. [ Online Resume]
    20  * '''Myles Braithwaite''' Django Developer in Toronto, Ontario. Email: myles at monkeyinyoursoul dot com.
    22156 * '''Tom Badran''' Django (amongst other things) freelance software devloper/contractor. Email tom at badrunner dot net. [ Homepage]
    26160 * '''Carl Wenrich''' Something new: First I write the code (Django/PostgreSQL), then you decide what it's worth. What a concept! carlwenrich at yahoo dot com.
    28  * '''Eric. Brown''' Python/Django developer in Tampa, FL with medical development experience, looking for contract/part time (also know XUL, JS, HTML, CSS, design, etc). pytechd /àţ\ (2007-08-07)
    30  * '''Leon Harris''' Python Django Plone Zope ASP Rails Flash(actionsctipt)development + High quality web design + hosting + custom skin design for Plone, Django . Based in London UK.   Email: leon at pukkapeople dot com. [ ]
    32  * '''Jonathan Schemoul''' Web application and marketing project manager (and software engineer) in Paris, France. Email: jonathan dot schemoul at gmail dot com. See my [ website].
    34  * '''[ Michael Samoylov]''' Web applications (python), AJAX, SQL. Skilled software engineer from Russian Federation. Email: michael.samoylov at
    36162 * '''[ Julian Bez]''' Freelance web developer (Django, PHP, XHTML, MySQL), Business Computing student, currently looking for an internship (preferably project for bachelor's thesis) starting summer 2007 or later
    38164 * '''[ Michael Chiu]''' Software engineer with aerospace (C, C++), US defense (C++, Java), and web application (Python) experience. Email: mikechiu7 at yahoo dot com.
    40  * '''Jason Davies''' Expert Web developer located in Cambridge, UK.  Recently graduated in Computer Science at Cambridge University.  []
    42  * '''Eric Walstad''' Python and database developer located in San Francisco: eric at ericwalstad dot com; []
    44  * '''Rachel Willmer''' C, Python, database, networking developer located in Edinburgh, Scotland: Contact rachel at hobthross dot com; []
    46166 * '''Marco Pantaleoni''' C, C++, Python, DB, networking, linux, embedded systems. Contact panta at elasticworld dot org; []
    48  * '''Damian Pawlowski''' Python + Django, PHP, Java, MySQL, PostgreSQL, XHTML, CSS, AJAX. Developer from Poland. Email: profes82 at gmail dot com.
    50168 * '''Leonardo Santagada''' Python and database developer and sys admin.  Contact: santagada at gmail dot com.
    52  * '''Tom Zellman''' Python/Java/C/C++ developer in NE Ohio/ SE Michigan. Contact tzellman at umich dot edu; [ FeedNut].
    54  * '''Jason F. McBrayer''' Python/C developer, web developer, Unix systems administrator, in Columbia, South Carolina.  Contact jmcbray at carcosa dot net; [ ]
    56170 * '''[]''' We are a small startup concentrating on django based projects. Contact ian at zilbo dot com;
    58  * '''Owen Griffiths''' Python, C/C++, PHP, and Database Developer specializing in web applications. Located in New York. Contact: owen at idemal dot com.
    60  * '''John Champaign''' Toronto based software engineer with application (Java) and web (Python & Django) development experience. Email: john.champaign at gmail dot com. See my homepage at [ Homepage].  Happy to travel, learn new technologies or mentor junior developers.
    62  * '''[ Pradeep Gowda]''' Bangalore, India based Software engineer. Python,Django,Zope/Plone and Database dev. experience. Contact: pradeep.gowda at gmail dot com
    64  * '''Vijay Bhaskar Rayudu''' Bangalore, India based Software engineer. Python,Django,Zope/Plone and Database dev. experience. Contact:
    66  * '''Les Smithson''' Python/C/C++/Django/Apache/mod_python/Zope contract developer. London, UK based. cv at []. Last updated: August 2007.
    68  * '''Jerry Felix''' Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana (Cincinnati Based) web development.  Python, Django, ASP and other buzzwords.   contact jfelix at eclink. com.
    70  * '''[ Piermont Web Design]''' Rockland County, NY based small firm doing Django-powered web development for non-profits, small businesses, and freelancers. Contact: info at piermontweb dot com.
    72  * '''Malcolm Tredinnick''' Located in Sydney, Australia. Python, Django, most popular databases, web technologies. Available for contracts of any length. Contact: malcolm at pointy-stick dot com. [ Resume available.]
    74  * '''Justin Quick''' Washington, DC., Baltimore, MD. Python-Django and database development, (JS, HTML, CSS, RSS, XML, etc.). Web appilcation development for over 5 years designed for private and non-profit organizations. Available by contract in either area. Contact justquick at gmail dot com
    76  * '''Lukasz Lebiedzinski''' C++, Java, ASP.NET, MSSQL, MySQL, XHTML, CSS. Database developer experienced in MSSQL. Developer from Poland. Contact: anduin at gazeta dot com.
    78  * '''Silvio Di Stefano''' London, UK. Python + Django, RoR, MySQL, Postgres, Linux server admin. From PHP to Django, 6 years of experience. Contact sdistefano at gmail dot com
    80  * '''Joe Pellizzer''' Located in Vicenza, Italy. Python-Django and database development, (HTML, CSS, RSS, XML, ZOPE, PLONE, etc.). Web appilcation development for over 6+ years designed for industry. Available by contract in either area. Contact Email [ info at]
    82  * '''Allan Brisbane''' London, UK. Specialising in Django development, 8 years web/application development experience. (Python, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Apache, CSS, XML, web services, etc.). Contact allan dot brisbane at gmail dot com
    84  * '''[ EyeFlux Web Design]''': Based on Buenos Aires, Argentina. Experienced group of Web developers and designers. Python, Django, RoR, MySQL, Postgresql, CSS, XML and other Open-source technologies. 10 years in the business; hosting services included.
    86  * '''[ Matthias Pronk]''': Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Looking for freelance gigs related to Django, Python, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Linux, OS X, BSD.
    88  * '''[ Lorenzo Bolognini]''': Django web developer based in Prague, Czech Republic. Python, PostgreSQL, Ajax/Javascript (jQuery). Fluent in English and Italian mother-tongue: lbolognini at gmail dot com.
    90  * '''[ iola]''': Small and friendly software company in Denmark mastering Django!
    92172 * '''[ Etienne Robillard]''': Freelance Django/Python developer. Languages: French, English. Contact: robillard.etienne[at] Batteries included! (Last updated: 17/07/2007)
    94  * '''[ Staplefish]''': Isle of Man, UK.  Small web development company with big ideas.  Experienced with many technologies including Django, PHP, MySQL, Postgresql.  We focus on simple, maintainable and cost-effective solutions.
    96174 * '''[ tangerine smash]''' Independent company writing good honest software using C#, Python, .NET, Java and Django.
    98  * '''[ Andrea Peltrin]''': freelance web designer located in Italy. Clean designs, fluent XHTML+CSS coding, tableless layouts, AJAX (with Jquery), previous experience with the Django framework. [ Contact and portfolio site].
    100  * '''[ Leta Korporejszyn]''': We are small polish company. Our goal is to design aesthetic, beautiful and functional web sites. We use CSS, Flash + Actionscript, Django.  leta  dot  korp  at  gmail  dot  com
    102176 * '''[ Massimo Scamarcia]''': Python and Django, xHTML/CSS editing, Javascript and AJAX, Server setup and administration (Apache, MySQL). Contact: massimo dot scamarcia at gmail dot com
    104  * '''João Marcus''' Curitiba/Brazil. Python programmer looking for a Django/Python job! Fluent AJAX (jQuery, YUI, etc.) and experience with Django [ At my last job].
    106  * '''[ Igor Guerrero]''' Miami/Florida: Linux(Ubuntu, Debian, SuSE, Fedora), Django, Ajax, XML, SQL(PostgreSQL and MySQL), C#(Mono Platform), GTK#, Gecko#. Contact: igfgt1 at gmail dot com
    108  * '''[ Andreas Marr]''' Location: Berlin,Germany - spoken Languages: German/English(/French if must be) -  Languages+Technologies ;) : Python/PHP/C/Erlang..., (x)HTML/Javascript/CSS (+Ajax), Gentoo/SuSE/Linux general, SQL/PLSQL , Postgresql/Mysql/Oracle - consulting, development,administration. Contact: viadjangojobboard at
    110  * '''[ Wolfram Kriesing]''' New York/USA, actually Munich/Germany based, looking for a job at the US east coast, preferred New York: Languages: German/English/Spanish - Technologies: Django, Dojo, JavaScript, MySQL, CSS, and all that is required - hacking, consulting, project management, Contact: wolfram at kriesing dot de
    112  * '''[ digital-telepathy]''' We are a San Diego, California based shop that strategizes and develops web apps.  Django is our framework of choice, however we build projects with a wide range of tools. Contact: info at digital-telepathy dot com or go to []
    114  * '''[ Tschitschereengreen]''' We are focussing on rapid development of web portals and are a service provider for VC- and Business Angel financed Ventures and StartUps. We are working concurrently with Symfony, Ruby on Rails und Django depending on the requirements. Contact: info AT | Dresden, Germany
    116  * '''[ yaean design]''' Shanghai, China based company producing sites that are beautiful on the inside and the outside. Contact info at yaean dot com or []
    118  * '''Doug Van Horn''' ''St. Louis, MO, USA''  I have 10+ years building web applications in shops big and small.  Java+J2EE, Oracle, Python+Django, PostgreSQL, !JavaScript+AJAX, HTML, CSS, ...  The usual suspects.  I'm available for contracts of any length.  My email address is dougvanhorn at gmail dot com.  Or visit my website at [].
    120  * '''Wojciech Sobczak''' (vbert) Python + Django, PHP, MySQL, PostgreSQL, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, VB, VBA. Web developer from Poland. Now I build new site of firm in Django. Email: wsobczak at gmail dot com.
    122  * '''[ Andrey Khavryuchenko]'''  Kyiv, Ukraine.  Delivering django apps starting from 0.91.  Contact at akhavr at gmail dot com or at [ my blog] (15 Sep 2007)
    124  * '''Mario Gonzalez''' Django Developer in Concepcion, CHILE, South america. Email: gonzalemario at gmail dot com.
    126  * '''[ John Melesky]''' Chicago, IL, US. Working on web apps for a decade, Django since late 2005. Available for freelance or contract. (updated 2007-09-18)
    128  * '''[ Zenzire]''' We develop complex custom software for clients throughout the world. We handle all aspects of  software project - research, specification, design, implementation, testing and integration. Contact: info AT | Krakow, Poland
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